Monster Hunter GMonster Hunter
  • Anti-Cold寒さ無効


Eliminates the maximum Stamina-reducing effects of cold zones.

  • Anti-Heat暑さ無効


Eliminates the Hitpoint-depleting effects of hot zones.

  • Anti-Theft盗み無効


Prevents anyone from stealing your items. Works against Melynxes and Gypceroses.

  • Anti-Wind風圧無効


You will resist the effects of wind created by monsters beating their wings, kicking up dust, etc.

  • Attack Up [S]攻撃力UP【小】 (+3)
  • Attack Up [L]攻撃力UP【大】 (+5)

Attack Up攻撃

Increases your weapon's Attack. Adds the amount in parentheses to the weapon's True Damage Value before its Bloat Value.

  • Auto-Map地図


Displays the full locale map even without the Map supply item.

  • Automatic Marking自動マーキング

Automatic Marking自動マーキング

Displays monsters on the map at all times.

  • Defense + 5防御+5
  • Defense + 10防御+10


Increases your total Defense.

  • Dragon Res - 10龍耐性-10
  • Dragon Res + 25龍耐性+25

Dragon Resistance龍耐性

Reduces, or increases, your Dragon Element Resistance by the given amount.

  • Fire Res - 10火耐性-10
  • Fire Res + 25火耐性+25

Fire Resistance火耐性

Reduces, or increases, your Fire Element Resistance by the given amount.

  • Gathering採取


Improves your chances to gather additional items at gathering spots.

  • Health + 10体力+10
  • Health + 20体力+20
  • Health + 30体力+30


Increases your maximum Health.

  • Health Recovery Items Improved体力回復アイテム強化

Health Recovery Items Improved体力回復アイテム強化

You will recover more Hitpoints when using healing items. (This effect is not applied when healing other hunters healed with the Wide Area skills or Lifepowder.)

  • High Speed Damage Recoveryダメージ高速回復

High Speed Damage Recoveryダメージ高速回復

You will recover temporary damage (red-bar) more quickly.

  • Hunger x 1.5 (actually doubled)はらへり倍加
  • Hunger Halvedはらへり半減
  • Hunger Negatedはらへり無効


You will lose maximum Stamina over time twice as quickly, half as quickly, or not at all. (The doubled hunger skill is mistakenly labelled as "Hunger x 1.5" in-game.)

  • KO Duration Doubled気絶倍加
  • KO Duration Halved気絶半減
  • KO Negated気絶無効

Knockout (Faint)気絶

You will suffer the effects of Knockout for twice as long, half as long, or not at all. (May be called "Faint" in-game.)

  • Bad Luck不運
  • Good Fortune幸運


Worsens, or improves, chances to receive additional items in quest rewards. (See "How quest rewards work" on the Quests page.)

  • Paralysis Duration Doubled麻痺倍加
  • Paralysis Duration Halved麻痺半減
  • Paralysis Negated麻痺無効

Paralysis (Stun)麻痺

You will suffer the effects of Paralysis for twice as long, half as long, or not at all. (May be called "Stun" in-game.)

  • Poison Duration Doubled毒倍加
  • Poison Duration Halved毒半減
  • Poison Negated毒無効


You will suffer the effects of Poison for twice as long, half as long, or not at all.

  • Provocation挑発


Draws the aggression of monsters more often than other hunters in the zone. This does not impact how a monster first detects you.

  • Reload + 1装填+1
  • Reload + 2装填+2

Reloading Speed装填

Reduces reload speed by one, or two, points. (See the Reload section under About Weapons in the Weapons page.)

  • Sharpness Restoration + 25%斬れ味回復+25%
  • Sharpness Restoration + 50%斬れ味回復+50%

Sharpness Restoration斬れ味回復

You will restore more hits when sharpening your weapon. A Whetstone or Knife Mackerel normally restore 150 hits, and a Mini-Whetstone 100 hits. +25% increases these to 187 and 125 respectively, +50% increases to 225 and 150. (See the Sharpness section under About Weapons in the Weapons page.)

  • Sleep Duration Doubled睡眠倍加
  • Sleep Duration Halved睡眠半減
  • Sleep Negated睡眠無効


You will suffer monster-induced Sleep for twice as long, half as long, or not at all.

  • Stealth隠密


Draws the aggression of monsters less often than other hunters in the zone. This does not impact how a monster first detects you.

  • Thunder Res - 10雷耐性-10
  • Thunder Res + 25雷耐性+25

Thunder Resistance雷耐性

Reduces, or increases, your Thunder Element Resistance by the given amount.

  • Toolsaver精霊のぎまぐれ (25%)
  • Divine Toolsaver神のぎまぐれ (50%)


Reduces the likeliness that your tools will break on use. This includes Pickaxes, Bugnets, and all varieties of Flutes.

  • Water Res - 10水耐性-10
  • Water Res + 25水耐性+25

Water Resistance水耐性

Reduces, or increases, your Water Element Resistance by the given amount.

  • Wide Area PotionWide Area Potion
  • Wide Area AntidoteWide Area Antidote
  • Wide Area Power SeedWide Area Power Seed
  • Wide Area Armor SeedWide Area Armor Seed

Wide Area広域化

Shares the effects of the given item with all hunters in the same zone. Wide Area Potion only applies for Potions, not for Mega Potions, First-Aid Meds, or any other healing items.

  • +10 Alchemy 錬金術


Allows special item combinations without the Alchemy Book.

  • +10 Ammo Mixer 最大数弾生産

Ammo Mixer弾調合

You will always make the maximum possible amount of ammunition when combining.

  • +10 Anti-Theft 盗み無効


Prevents anyone from stealing your items. Works against Melynxes, Gypceroses, and Purple Gypceroses.

  • +10 Attack Up [S] 攻撃力UP【小】 (+3)
  • +15 Attack Up [M] 攻撃力UP【中】 (+5)
  • +25 Attack Up [L] 攻撃力UP【大】 (+10)


Increases your weapon's Attack. Adds the amount in parentheses to the weapon's True Damage Value before its Bloat Value.

  • +10 Auto-Guard オートガード


Blocks attacks automatically if your weapon is drawn. You must also be facing the direction of the incoming attack (within 180 degrees in front of you), and be free to block it (that is, not be in the middle of dodging or attacking.)

  • +10 Backpacking Expert 運搬の達人


You will move faster while carrying an egg or other delivery item, and can drop from a greater height without breaking or dropping it.

  • +10 Bomber ボマー


Increases the yield of barrel bombs, dealing 1.5× damage. See the Explosive Damage section under About Weapons in the Weapons page.

  • +10 Clust S Add 1 拡散弾LV1追加
  • +15 Clust S Add 2 拡散弾LV1&2追加
  • +25 Clust S Add 3 拡散弾全レベル追加

Clust S Add拡散弾追加

Loads Cluster Shot of increasing levels in bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)

  • -25 Cold Effect Doubled 寒さ倍加【×2】
  • -10 Cold Effect x1.5 寒さ倍加【×1.5】
  • +10 Cold Effect Halved 寒さ半減
  • +15 Cold Negated 寒さ無効

Cold Res耐寒

Hastens, reduces, or totally negates the maximum Stamina-reducing effects of cold zones.

  • -25 Combine Success -15% 調合成功率-15%
  • -15 Combine Success -10% 調合成功率-10%
  • -10 Combine Success -5% 調合成功率-5%
  • +10 Combine Success +5% 調合成功率+5%
  • +15 Combine Success +10% 調合成功率+10%
  • +25 Combine Success +20% 調合成功率+20%

Combine Success調合成功率

Increases, or reduces, your chances to successfully combine items.

  • +10 Crag S Add 1 徹甲榴弾LV1追加
  • +15 Crag S Add 2 徹甲榴弾LV1&2追加
  • +25 Crag S Add 3 徹甲榴弾全レベル追加

Crag S Add榴弾追加

Loads Crag Shot of increasing levels in bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)

  • -25 Defense -20 防御-20
  • -15 Defense -15 防御-15
  • -10 Defense -10 防御-10
  • +10 Defense +10 防御+10
  • +15 Defense +15 防御+15
  • +25 Defense +20 防御+20


Reduces, or increases, your total Defense.

  • -25 Dragon Res -10 龍耐性-10
  • -15 Dragon Res -5 龍耐性-5
  • -10 Dragon Res -3 龍耐性-3
  • +10 Dragon Res +3 龍耐性+3
  • +15 Dragon Res +5 龍耐性+5
  • +25 Dragon Res +10 龍耐性+10

Dragon Resistance龍耐性

Reduces, or increases, your Dragon Element Resistance.

  • +10 Earplugs 聴覚保護
  • +15 High Grade Earplugs 高級耳栓


Negates the staggering effect of monster roars. Some monsters roar so loudly that only High Grade Earplugs can block them out. Khezu, Basarios, Monoblos, Diablos, Lao-Shan Lung, and Fatalis roars require High Grade Earplugs; regular Earplugs have no affect on their roars.

  • -25 Element Res -10 各耐性-10
  • -15 Element Res -5 各耐性-5
  • -10 Element Res -3 各耐性-3
  • +10 Element Res +3 各耐性+3
  • +15 Element Res +5 各耐性+5
  • +25 Element Res +10 各耐性+10

Element Resistance全耐性UP

Reduces, or increases, all of your Element Resistances.

  • -25 Disaster 災難
  • -10 Bad Luck 不運
  • +10 Good Luck 幸運
  • +15 Very Good Luck 激運


Worsens, or improves, chances to receive additional items in quest rewards (see "How quest rewards work" on the Quests page.)

  • -25 Fire Res -10 火耐性-10
  • -15 Fire Res -5 火耐性-5
  • -10 Fire Res -3 火耐性-3
  • +10 Fire Res +3 火耐性+3
  • +15 Fire Res +5 火耐性+5
  • +25 Fire Res +10 火耐性+10

Fire Resistance火耐性

Reduces, or increases, your Fire Element Resistance.

  • +10 Fishing Master 釣り名人


Increases the timing window to reel in a fish, and makes the lure appear to be much bigger.

  • +10 Flute Master 笛吹き名人


Reduces the chance a flute will break when played by 25%. Flutes with effects are 1.1× more potent and their effects last 1.1× longer.

  • -15 Gathering -2 採取-2 (59%)
  • -10 Gathering -1 採取-1 (72%)
  • +10 Gathering +1 採取+1 (91%)
  • +15 Gathering +2 採取+2 (97%)


Worsens, or improves, your chance to gather additional items. One item is guaranteed and each successive attempt has a chance to have another item or the gathering point will be depleted. Normally this chance is 84%, and changes to the value in parentheses for the given level of this skill.

  • +10 Eating +1 まんぷく+1 (+25)
  • +15 Eating +2 まんぷく+2 (+50)
  • +25 Speed Eater 拾い食い (+50)


Increases the amount of maximum Stamina gained when eating cooked meat by the amount in parentheses. Additionally, the Speed Eater skill will occasionally increase maximum Stamina when using a recovery item. Specifically, it provides a 1/3 chance to gain 25 Maximum Stamina when using a recovery item.

  • -15 Guard -2 ガード性能-2
  • -10 Guard -1 ガード性能-1
  • +10 Guard +1 ガード性能+1
  • +15 Guard +2 ガード性能+2


Reduces, or improves, your shield's effectiveness while blocking. You'll get knocked back farther and take more chip damage with the negative skills, less knockback and chip damage from the positive skills. This also affects the blocking animation, based on monster attack and weapon class.

  • +10 Guard Up ガード強化

Guard Upガード強化

You will block any attack with your shield, no matter how powerful (you can still be killed if the chip damage is great enough.)

  • -10 Sharpness Down 斬れ味レベル-1
  • +10 Sharpness Up 斬れ味レベル+1


Reduces, or increases, the maximum sharpness of your weapon (normal and increased sharpness are included on the Weapons page per weapon.)

  • -25 Health -30 体力-30
  • -15 Health -20 体力-20
  • -10 Health -10 体力-10
  • +10 Health +10 体力+10
  • +15 Health +20 体力+20
  • +25 Health +30 体力+30


Reduces, or increases, your maximum Hitpoints by the given amount.

  • -25 Heat Effect Doubled 暑さ倍加【×2】
  • -10 Heat Effect x1.5 暑さ倍加【×1.5】
  • +10 Heat Effect Halved 暑さ半減
  • +15 Heat Negated 暑さ無効

Heat Res耐暑

Hastens, reduces, or totally negates the Hitpoint-depleting effects of hot zones.

  • -25 Double Hunger はらへり倍加×2
  • -10 Hunger x1.5 はらへり倍加×1.5
  • +10 Hunger Halved はらへり半減
  • +15 Hunger Negated はらへり無効


Hastens, reduces, or totally negates the maximum Stamina-reducing effects of hunger.

  • -10 No Map 地図無効
  • +10 Farsight 地図常備


No Map hides most of the map even if you have the Map supply item; Farsight displays the full locale map at all times.

  • +10 Normal S Add 1 通常弾LV1追加
  • +15 Normal S Add All 通常弾全レベル追加

Normal S Add通常弾追加

Loads Normal Shot of increasing levels in bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)

  • +10 Normal S Up 通常弾攻撃力UP

Normal S Up通常弾強化

All levels of Normal Shot deal increased 1.1× damage.

  • -10 Paralysis Doubled 麻痺倍加
  • +10 Paralysis Halved 麻痺半減
  • +15 Paralysis Negated 麻痺無効


You will suffer the effects of Paralysis for twice as long, half as long, or not at all.

  • +10 Pellet S Add 1 散弾LV1追加
  • +15 Pellet S Add 2 散弾LV1&2追加
  • +25 Pellet S Add 3 散弾全レベル追加

Pellet S Add散弾追加

Loads Pellet Shot of increasing levels in bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)

  • +10 Pellet S Up 散弾攻撃力UP

Pellet S Up散弾強化

All levels of Pellet Shot deal increased 1.3× damage.

  • +10 Pierce S Add 1 貫通弾LV1追加
  • +15 Pierce S Add 2 貫通弾LV1&2追加
  • +25 Pierce S Add 3 貫通弾全レベル追加

Pierce S Add貫通弾追加

Loads Pierce Shot of increasing levels in bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)

  • +10 Pierce S Up 貫通弾攻撃力UP

Pierce S Up貫通弾強化

All levels of Pierce Shot deal increased 1.1× damage.

  • -25 Poison Quadrupled 毒倍加【×4】
  • -15 Poison Tripled 毒倍加【×3】
  • -10 Poison Doubled 毒倍加【×2】
  • +10 Poison Halved 毒半減
  • +15 Poison Negated 毒無効


You will suffer Poison for four times as long, three times, twice, half as long, or not at all.

  • -10 Demonic Protection 悪霊の加護 (1.3×)
  • +10 Divine Protection 精霊の加護 (0.7×)


Sometimes25% of the time you take more or less 1.3× or 0.7× damage.

  • +10 Detect 探知
  • +15 Autotracker 自動マーキング


Detect shows a detailed monster icon on the map, as long as the monster is being tracked (if it is Paintballed or the hunter is using Psychoserum); Autotracker additionally shows monster icons on the map at all times.

  • +10 Rapid Fire 連射

Rapid Fire連射

You will fire bowgun shots without having to reload, except when changing ammo type. This also increases recoil (see the Recoil section under About Weapons in the Weapons page for more details.)

  • +10 Recoil +1 反動軽減+1
  • +15 Recoil +2 反動軽減+2


Reduces bowgun Recoil by one, or two, points. (see the Recoil section under About Weapons in the Weapons page for more details.)

  • -10 Recovery Items Weakened 体力回復アイテム弱化 (0.75×)
  • +10 Recovery Items Strengthened 体力回復アイテム強化 (1.5×)

Recovery Items回復

Reduces, or increases, the amount of Hitpoints recovered from healing items. (This effect is not applied to other hunters when using Lifepowder or recovery items with the Wide Area skills.)

  • -25 Recovery Speed -2 ダメージ回復速度-2 (1/4×)
  • -10 Recovery Speed -1 ダメージ回復速度-1 (1/3×)
  • +10 Recovery Speed +1 ダメージ回復速度+1 (3×)
  • +25 Recovery Speed +2 ダメージ回復速度+2 (4×)

Recovery Speed回復速度

You will recover temporary damage (red-bar) more slowly, or quickly, per the multipliers in parentheses.

  • -25 Reload Speed -3 装填速度-3
  • -15 Reload Speed -2 装填速度-2
  • -10 Reload Speed -1 装填速度-1
  • +10 Reload Speed +1 装填速度+1
  • +15 Reload Speed +2 装填速度+2
  • +25 Reload Speed +3 装填速度+3

Reload Speed装填

Increases, or reduces, the time it takes to reload bowgun shots (see the Reload section under About Weapons in the Weapons page for more details.)

  • -10 Provocation 挑発
  • +10 Stealth 隠密


Draws the aggression of monsters more, or less, often than other hunters in the zone. This does not impact how a monster first detects you.

  • -10 Sharpening Halved 砥石性能半減
  • +10 Sharpening Doubled 砥石使用高速化


You will take twice, or half, as long to sharpen your weapon.

  • -10 Blunt なまくら
  • +10 Sharp Sword 業物


You will occasionally lose more, or less, sharpness when attacking with a Blademaster weapon. This also applies to sharpness lost when blocking with the Great Sword.

  • -10 Sleep Doubled 睡眠倍加
  • +10 Sleep Halved 睡眠半減
  • +15 Sleep Negated 睡眠無効


You will suffer monster-induced Sleep for twice as long, half as long, or not at all.

  • +10 Speed Gathering 高速剥ぎ取り&採取

Speed Gathering高速収集

You will gather items in the field and carve monsters 1.3× more quickly.

  • +10 Status Attack Up 状態異常攻撃強化 (1.125×)


Applies more 1.125× status with every attack that has a status effect. This applies to all Blademaster weapons that have status, Poison S, Para S, and Sleep S.

  • -10 Stun Doubled 気絶倍加
  • +10 Stun Halved 気絶確率半減
  • +15 Stun Negated 気絶無効


You will suffer the effects of being Stunned by a monster for twice as long, half as long, or not at all.

  • +10 ESP 心眼


(NOTE: this skill is bugged and has no actual effect.) If it were working properly, it would eliminate the late timing sourspot during attack animations if your weapon is in white sharpness, which reduces your damage and potentially makes your attack bounce.

  • +10 Throw 投擲技術UP


You will throw items such as Paintballs and Throwing Knives farther and faster.

  • -25 Thunder Res -10 雷耐性-10
  • -15 Thunder Res -5 雷耐性-5
  • -10 Thunder Res -3 雷耐性-3
  • +10 Thunder Res +3 雷耐性+3
  • +15 Thunder Res +5 雷耐性+5
  • +25 Thunder Res +10 雷耐性+10

Thunder Resistance雷耐性

Reduces, or increases, your Thunder Element Resistance.

  • Torso Up 胴系統倍加

Torso Up胴系統倍加

Copies all skill points from your torso armor. Each piece of armor with Torso Up adds all the skill points for the torso armor an additional time, as if that armor piece had all the same skill points (positive and negative), including skill points from decorations. E.G. one piece doubles the points, two pieces triple, etc.

  • Torso +1 胴系統+1
  • Torso +2 胴系統+2

Torso +胴系統+

Adds one, or two, point(s) to all skill points on your torso armor. E.G. Torso +1 turns a -10 skill into -9, or a +14 skill into a +15. This is calculated after any Torso Up skill points.

  • -25 Water Res -10 水耐性-10
  • -15 Water Res -5 水耐性-5
  • -10 Water Res -3 水耐性-3
  • +10 Water Res +3 水耐性+3
  • +15 Water Res +5 水耐性+5
  • +25 Water Res +10 水耐性+10

Water Resistance水耐性

Reduces, or increases, your Water Element Resistance.

  • -15 Devil's Whim 悪魔の気まぐれ (+50%)
  • -10 Spectre's Whim 悪霊の気まぐれ (+25%)
  • +10 Spirit's Whim 精霊の気まぐれ (-25%)
  • +15 Divine Whim 神の気まぐれ (-50%)


Increases, or reduces, the chance that a tool will break when used. The chance the tool will break is in parentheses.

  • +10 Wide Area Antidote 【解毒薬】広域化

Wide Area Antidote広域解毒

Shares the effects of an Antidote with all hunters in the zone.

  • +10 Wide Area Drugs 怪力・忍耐の種広域化

Wide Area Drugs種広域化

Shares the effects of a Power or Armor Seed with all hunters in the zone.

  • +10 Herb Wide Area 【薬草】広域化
  • +15 Potion Wide Area 【回復薬】広域化

Wide Area Recovery広域回復

Restores Hitpoints to all hunters in the zone when using an Herb or a Potion (this only applies for regular Potions and no other recovery items.)

  • +10 Low Wind Pressure 風圧【小】無効
  • +15 High Wind Pressure 風圧【大】無効

Wind Pressure風圧

You will resist the effects of wind created by monsters beating their wings, kicking up dust, etc. Some monsters apply stronger Wind Pressure than others, and can only be resisted by the High Wind Pressure skill. Any large monsters not listed below require only Low Wind Pressure to nullify the wind generated by their wingbeats:

  • Rathian, Rathalos, Gravios, Monoblos, Diablos, and Fatalis wingbeats require High Wind Pressure.
  • Lao-Shan Lung's footfalls require High Wind Pressure.

Much thanks to mmPotato for creating their wiki, whose information has been invaluable. Thanks to the many data extracted from the games themselves by 2Tie and Yuzucchi. Thanks to Amaillo for translation info. Thanks to Sammy for some very informative Bowgun meta. Thanks to Lutyrannus for video footage of monsters not listed in the official guide book. And many thanks to the very helpful members of the Monster Hunter Oldschool Discord!

The only social media I really use is Mastodon: