Quest Level Lv1★
Basics: Finding Raw Meatハンターの基本、生肉の入手 *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 pieces of Raw Meat目的: 生肉2つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z
Requestor: Village Chief
First, a little trial. Hunt down an Aptonoth and harvest the meat. Deliver 2 pieces of Raw Meat and you'll complete your first quest!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 4% |
Cricket釣りバッタ | 1 | 25% |
Cricket釣りバッタ | 1 | 25% |
Mystery Boneなぞの骨 | 1 | 25% |
Mystery Boneなぞの骨 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 2 | 1% |
Basics: Preparing Meatハンターの基本、肉の調理 *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Well-Done Steak目的: こんがり肉1つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z
Requestor: Village Chief
You can't eat Raw Meat! You've got to cook it first! I want you to barbecue some meat and bring a piece back to the camp!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 4% |
Cricket釣りバッタ | 1 | 25% |
Cricket釣りバッタ | 1 | 25% |
Mystery Boneなぞの骨 | 1 | 25% |
Mystery Boneなぞの骨 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 2 | 1% |
Basics: Searching for Itemsハンターの基本、アイテム探索 *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb目的: 薬草2つとクモの巣1つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z
Requestor: Village Chief
You can find all sorts of useful items during a hunt. Search around and bring me 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Cricket釣りバッタ | 1 | 25% |
Worm釣りミミズ | 1 | 25% |
Mystery Boneなぞの骨 | 1 | 25% |
Herb薬草 | 1 | 15% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 5% |
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗 | 1 | 5% |
Basics: Combining Itemsハンターの基本、アイテム調合 *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Potions目的: 回復薬2つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z
Requestor: Village Chief
You can combine items to make new ones! Start with the basics: a Potion! You'll need a Blue Mushroom, and... Oh, what was the other...?
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Cricket釣りバッタ | 1 | 25% |
Worm釣りミミズ | 1 | 25% |
Mystery Boneなぞの骨 | 1 | 25% |
Herb薬草 | 1 | 15% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 5% |
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗 | 1 | 5% |
Basics: Fishingハンターの基本、釣り *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Sushifish目的: サシミウオ1匹の納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z
Requestor: Village Chief
You can use the fish you catch in all sorts of ways! Catch a Health-restoring Sushifish and bring it back to camp!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Cricket釣りバッタ | 1 | 25% |
Worm釣りミミズ | 1 | 25% |
Mystery Boneなぞの骨 | 1 | 25% |
Herb薬草 | 1 | 15% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 5% |
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗 | 1 | 5% |
Your First Monster Hunt!初めてのモンスター討伐!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velociprey目的: ランポス3頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z
Requestor: Village Guard
HELP! The children are being attacked by small, blue monsters called Velociprey! 3 of the beasts are outside! Do something!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 4 | 25% |
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 1 | 25% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 8 | 4% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 12 | 1% |
Quest Level Lv2★
Your First Monster Hunt!初めてのモンスター討伐!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velociprey目的: ランポス3頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z
Requestor: Village Guard
HELP! The children are being attacked by small, blue monsters called Velociprey! 3 of the beasts are outside! Do something!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 4 | 25% |
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 1 | 25% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 8 | 4% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 12 | 1% |
Mushroom Picking森のキノコ狩り
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 7 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ7本を納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 90z
Reward:報酬金: 180z
Requestor: Loving Sibling
I want to send some Special Mushrooms to my brother in town. But there are too many monsters. Please bring 7 Special Mushrooms to me.
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Blue Mushroomアオキノコ | 1 | 25% |
Nitroshroomニトロダケ | 1 | 25% |
Toadstool毒テングダケ | 1 | 25% |
Stunshroomマヒダケ | 1 | 2% |
Stunshroomマヒダケ | 3 | 4% |
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ | 1 | 1% |
Present for the Armorer武具職人へのプレゼント *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 5 Kelbi Horns目的: ケルビの角5本を納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z
Requestor: Veteran Armorer
The decorations on Bowguns have always been made from the horns of Kelbi. But we're running out! Can you bring 5 Kelbi Horns to me?
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Kelbi Hideケルビの皮 | 2 | 15% |
Herb薬草 | 1 | 25% |
Sap Plantネンチャク草 | 1 | 25% |
Kelbi Hideケルビの皮 | 1 | 3% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 4% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 1% |
Help for the Festival祭りの準備をお手伝い
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 5 Well-Done Steaks目的: こんがり肉5つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 90z
Reward:報酬金: 180z
Requestor: Town Chef
I'm cooking for a big festival in the town. But I'm running low on Well-Done Steaks. Can you bring me 5?
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Power Seed怪力の種 | 1 | 1% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Herb薬草 | 1 | 25% |
Sap Plantネンチャク草 | 2 | 25% |
Armor Seed忍耐の種 | 1 | 1% |
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券 | 1 | 5% |
Raid the Wyvern's Nest潜入!飛竜の巣! *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Wyvern Egg目的: 飛竜の卵1つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 350z
Requestor: Local Doctor
One of the village people has fallen ill. I need a Wyvern Egg to cure them. Please sneak into a nest and get an egg for me!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗 | 1 | 15% |
Herb薬草 | 1 | 25% |
Sap Plantネンチャク草 | 1 | 35% |
Paintberryペイントの実 | 1 | 2% |
Nutrients栄養剤 | 1 | 4% |
Egg Ticketたまご券 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 90% |
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 10% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 90% |
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 10% |
The Formidable Velocidrome!強敵、ドスランポス現る!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 1 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス1頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 400z
Requestor: Young Guardsman
After you killed those Velociprey, their leader showed up! It's bigger, and it has an orange crest. Find it and kill it!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 15% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 8 | 2% |
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 1 | 2% |
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 8 | 2% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 4% |
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪 | 1 | 1% |
Quest Level Lv3★
The Formidable Velocidrome!強敵、ドスランポス現る!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 1 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス1頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 400z
Requestor: Young Guardsman
After you killed those Velociprey, their leader showed up! It's bigger, and it has an orange crest. Find it and kill it!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 15% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 8 | 2% |
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 1 | 2% |
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 8 | 2% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 4% |
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪 | 1 | 1% |
The Mushroom Hunt!特産キノコを手に入れろ!
Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ10本を納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 300z
Requestor: Botanist
I finally made it! I have traveled long and far to find rare mushrooms. I need 10 Special Mushrooms for my research. Please find them!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Blue Mushroomアオキノコ | 1 | 25% |
Nitroshroomニトロダケ | 1 | 25% |
Toadstool毒テングダケ | 1 | 25% |
Stunshroomマヒダケ | 1 | 2% |
Stunshroomマヒダケ | 3 | 4% |
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ | 1 | 1% |
Wyvern Egg Acquisition!飛竜の卵、回収作戦!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Wyvern Egg目的: 飛竜の卵1つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 25min分
Fee:契約金: 120z
Reward:報酬金: 450z
Requestor: The Lady Gourmet
I travel the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try the egg of a wyvern. Please bring me 1 Wyvern Egg!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗 | 1 | 15% |
Herb薬草 | 1 | 25% |
Sap Plantネンチャク草 | 1 | 35% |
Paintberryペイントの実 | 1 | 2% |
Nutrients栄養剤 | 1 | 4% |
Egg Ticketたまご券 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 90% |
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 10% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 90% |
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 10% |
Find the Wyvern Eggs!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵2つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 30min分
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 800z
Requestor: Local Doctor
One of the village people has fallen ill. With 2 Wyvern Eggs I could make a remedy. Please get me 2 eggs from a wyvern's nest!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート | 1 | 5% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 2% |
Power Seed怪力の種 | 1 | 2% |
Armor Seed忍耐の種 | 1 | 2% |
Nutrients栄養剤 | 1 | 2% |
Egg Ticketたまご券 | 1 | 15% |
Liver of Legend!幻のキモを追え! *
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Piscine Livers目的: 魚竜のキモ3つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 600z
Requestor: Foreign Peddler
I deal in rare items that I find in the desert. I've got a buyer for Water Wyvern and Sand Wyvern livers. Deliver 3 livers to me!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Piscine Jaw魚竜の顎 | 1 | 15% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 1 | 2% |
Piscine Fang魚竜の牙 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 2% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 2% |
Burst Arowanaハレツアロワナ | 10 | 4% |
Bomb Arowanaバクレツアロワナ | 2 | 1% |
Trouble in the Forest
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 10 Bullfango目的: ブルファンゴ10頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 450z
Requestor: Lumberjack
Those boar-monsters, the Bullfango, have been a lot of trouble lately. Can you thin the herd by 10 head? Much obliged.
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Bullfango Peltファンゴの毛皮 | 2 | 15% |
Antidote Herbげどく草 | 1 | 25% |
Sap Plantネンチャク草 | 1 | 25% |
Bullfango Peltファンゴの毛皮 | 1 | 3% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 4% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 1% |
Velocidrome Redux!ドスランポス、再び!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 2 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス2頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 30min分
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 600z
Requestor: Young Guardsman
Another Velocidrome has shown up. Please take care of it for me. Wyverns have also been sighted nearby, so be very careful.
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 15% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 8 | 2% |
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 1 | 2% |
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 8 | 2% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 4% |
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 90% |
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 10% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 90% |
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 10% |
Slay the Velociprey!ランポスたちを討伐せよ!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 10 Velociprey目的: ランポス10頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 130z
Reward:報酬金: 300z
Requestor: Proud Farmer
A pack of 10 Velociprey have been preying on my cows! They're too much for me to handle. Please get rid of them for me!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 2 | 2% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 4 | 25% |
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 2 | 25% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 10 | 4% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 20 | 1% |
Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥 *
Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 950z
Requestor: Jungle Envoy
My village is under attack by a large-eared, bird-like monster. I hear that it's sensitive to noise. Please slay it for us!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Kut-Ku Webbing怪鳥の翼膜 | 1 | 1% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 2 | 24% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 5 | 25% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 25% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 3 | 2% |
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗 | 4 | 4% |
Flame Sac火炎袋 | 1 | 1% |
Slay the Yian Kut-Ku!大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ! *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 900z
Requestor: Macho Guardsman
A bird-like Yian Kut-Ku is attacking people all over the place! Show me what you're made of by taking it out!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Kut-Ku Shell怪鳥の甲殻 | 1 | 1% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 2 | 24% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 5 | 25% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 25% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 3 | 2% |
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗 | 4 | 4% |
Flame Sac火炎袋 | 1 | 1% |
The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z
Requestor: Oasis Town Chief
Our pack-animals were eaten by something in the desert. But nobody actually saw the monsters attack! Find and slay the alpha monster!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 1% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 1 | 25% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 25% |
Piscine Fang魚竜の牙 | 1 | 2% |
Piscine Jaw魚竜の顎 | 1 | 15% |
Burst Arowanaハレツアロワナ | 5 | 4% |
Bomb Arowanaバクレツアロワナ | 2 | 1% |
Quest Level Lv4★
The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z
Requestor: Oasis Town Chief
Our pack-animals were eaten by something in the desert. But nobody actually saw the monsters attack! Find and slay the alpha monster!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 1% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 1 | 25% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 25% |
Piscine Fang魚竜の牙 | 1 | 2% |
Piscine Jaw魚竜の顎 | 1 | 15% |
Burst Arowanaハレツアロワナ | 5 | 4% |
Bomb Arowanaバクレツアロワナ | 2 | 1% |
Mushroom Delivery!特産キノコ捜索網!
Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ10本を納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 400z
Requestor: The Lady Gourmet
I have a dog and his favorite food are mushrooms. I want you to look for 10 of those “Special Mushrooms”. Yeah, for my cute dog!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Blue Mushroomアオキノコ | 1 | 25% |
Nitroshroomニトロダケ | 1 | 25% |
Toadstool毒テングダケ | 1 | 25% |
Stunshroomマヒダケ | 1 | 2% |
Stunshroomマヒダケ | 3 | 4% |
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ | 1 | 1% |
Bring Me Eggs!草食竜の卵を持ちかえれ!
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs目的: 草食竜の卵3つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,500z
Requestor: The Lady Gourmet
I search the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try Apceros eggs. Let's start with 3. Thanks in advance!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Commendation勇気の証 | 1 | 5% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 2% |
Power Seed怪力の種 | 1 | 2% |
Armor Seed忍耐の種 | 1 | 2% |
Unknown Skullなぞの頭骨 | 1 | 2% |
Egg Ticketたまご券 | 1 | 15% |
Find the Wyvern Eggs!飛竜の卵を探せ!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵2つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 30min分
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 800z
Requestor: Local Doctor
One of the village people has fallen ill. With 2 Wyvern Eggs I could make a remedy. Please get me 2 eggs from a wyvern's nest!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート | 1 | 5% |
Honeyハチミツ | 1 | 2% |
Power Seed怪力の種 | 1 | 2% |
Armor Seed忍耐の種 | 1 | 2% |
Nutrients栄養剤 | 1 | 2% |
Egg Ticketたまご券 | 1 | 15% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 75% |
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 25% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 75% |
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 25% |
Attack of the Giant Bugs!巨大昆虫、発生! *
Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 15 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ15匹の退治
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 400z
Requestor: Jungle Envoy
My village is under attack by a swarm of 15 bug monsters. Please help! They're weak individually, but formidable in a group!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Vespoid Wingランゴスタの羽 | 1 | 35% |
Hornetaur Wingカンタロスの羽 | 1 | 35% |
Sap Plantネンチャク草 | 1 | 15% |
Sap Plantネンチャク草 | 1 | 1% |
Monster Fluidモンスターの体液 | 1 | 4% |
Thunderbug雷光虫 | 1 | 1% |
Slay the Velociprey Pack!ランポスの群れを討伐せよ!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 20 Velociprey目的: ランポス20頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 20min分
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 500z
Requestor: Proud Farmer
I had you kill those 10 Velociprey, but now they're back! There's 20 of them this time. Please take care of it for me, hunter!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 2 | 25% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 6 | 25% |
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 2 | 2% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 12 | 4% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 24 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 50% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 50% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 50% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 50% |
Velocidrome Redux!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 2 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス2頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 30min分
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 600z
Requestor: Young Guardsman
Another Velocidrome has shown up. Please take care of it for me. Wyverns have also been sighted nearby, so be very careful.
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 15% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 8 | 2% |
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 1 | 2% |
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 8 | 2% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 4% |
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | ?% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | ?% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | ?% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | ?% |
Slay the Genprey!ゲネポス討伐作戦
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 15 Genprey目的: ゲネポス15頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 500z
Requestor: Gold Dealer
I've been seeing a lot of Genprey these days. They're just waiting to attack us. It's a pack of 20. Hunt them down!|[US:]Requestor: Injured Soldier I'm too injured to go on. I'd like you to find and kill 20 Genprey in the swamp for me. Watch out, they can paralyze you...!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Genprey Scaleゲネポスの鱗 | 2 | 2% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 3 | 25% |
Genprey Hideゲネポスの皮 | 2 | 25% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 6 | 4% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 15 | 1% |
Slay the Genprey!
Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 20 Genprey目的: ゲネポス20頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 600z
Requestor: Gold Dealer
I've been seeing a lot of Genprey these days. They're just waiting to attack us. It's a pack of 20. Hunt them down!|[US:]Requestor: Injured Soldier I'm too injured to go on. I'd like you to find and kill 20 Genprey in the swamp for me. Watch out, they can paralyze you...!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Genprey Hideゲネポスの皮 | 3 | 25% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 4 | 25% |
Genprey Scaleゲネポスの鱗 | 3 | 2% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 10 | 4% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 20 | 1% |
Slay the Gendrome! *
Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 2 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス2頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 800z
Requestor: Ambitious Noble
My caravans are being hit by Genprey. 2 Gendrome are leading the pack. Kill them and make the roads safe again for all!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Genprey Scaleゲネポスの鱗 | 4 | 15% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 2 | 2% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 5 | 2% |
Genprey Hideゲネポスの皮 | 4 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 12 | 2% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 15 | 4% |
Stun Sac麻痺袋 | 1 | 1% |
Slay the Gendrome!ゲネポスたちの親玉 *
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 2 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス2頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 800z
Requestor: Ambitious Noble
My caravans are being hit by Genprey. 2 Gendrome are leading the pack. Kill them and make the roads safe again for all!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Genprey Scaleゲネポスの鱗 | 4 | 15% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 2 | 2% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 5 | 2% |
Genprey Hideゲネポスの皮 | 4 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 12 | 2% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 15 | 4% |
Stun Sac麻痺袋 | 1 | 1% |
Ioprey Hunting
Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 20 Ioprey目的: イーオス20頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 700z
Requestor: Mine Owner
We encountered a huge Ioprey nest in a deep tunnel! We can't continue working unless you kill 20 of them for us!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Ioprey Hideイーオスの皮 | 2 | 25% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Ioprey Fangイーオスの毒牙 | 3 | 25% |
Ioprey Scaleイーオスの鱗 | 2 | 2% |
Ioprey Fangイーオスの毒牙 | 6 | 4% |
Ioprey Fangイーオスの毒牙 | 15 | 1% |
Poisonous Fangsドスイーオスの毒牙!
Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 2 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス2頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 800z
Requestor: Wounded Soldier
Iopreys are carnivorous red monsters with poison fangs. They repeatedly attacked the village as a pack. If you can defeat the two alpha monsters, we will be able to handle the pack.
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Ioprey Scaleイーオスの鱗 | 4 | 15% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 2 | 2% |
Ioprey Fangイーオスの毒牙 | 5 | 2% |
Ioprey Hideイーオスの皮 | 4 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 12 | 2% |
Ioprey Fangイーオスの毒牙 | 15 | 4% |
Poison Sac毒袋 | 1 | 1% |
Slay the Gypceros!
Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z
Requestor: Guarded Merchant
I saw a gigantic bird-like monster deep in the swamp! I can't do business with a thing like that in there! Please find it and kill it!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮 | 1 | 1% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 24% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 5 | 25% |
Wyvern Fang竜の牙 | 3 | 25% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 1 | 2% |
Poison Sac毒袋 | 1 | 4% |
Lightcrystalライトクリスタル | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Gypceros's comb D* | ||
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石 | 1 | 90% |
Lightcrystalライトクリスタル | 1 | 10% |
Catch a Yian Kut-Kuイャンクックを捕まえろ! *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの捕獲
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 1,000z
Requestor: Stern Scholar
I would like you to find and capture a Yian Kut-Ku alive. I suggest using a Pitfall Trap. Good luck, and thanks in advance!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Flame Sac火炎袋 | 1 | 7% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 5 | 5% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 5 | 5% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 5% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 5% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 5% |
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗 | 1 | 2% |
Kut-Ku Shell怪鳥の甲殻 | 1 | 2% |
Kut-Ku Webbing怪鳥の翼膜 | 1 | 2% |
Kut-Ku Ear怪鳥の耳 | 1 | 6% |
Giant Beak巨大なクチバシ | 1 | 2% |
Attack of the Rathalos激闘!雄火竜リオレウス
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z
Requestor: Proud Soldier
It cannot be... But.. My entire warband was wiped out by a wyvern. Now all rests upon your shoulders, monster hunter! Slay it!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 5% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 25% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 25% |
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜 | 1 | 5% |
Wyvern Fang竜の牙 | 6 | 2% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 19% |
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 75% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 25% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 75% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 25% |
Quest Level Lv5★
Giant Bug Attack!巨大昆虫、大発生!
Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 30 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ30匹の退治
Time Limit:時間制限: 40min分
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 500z
Requestor: Large Farm Lord
My farm has been ruined by huge insects! They roam the jungle area and attack with a swarm of 30. Get rid of them!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Vespoid Shellランゴスタの甲殻 | 1 | 25% |
Vespoid Wingランゴスタの羽 | 1 | 25% |
Hornetaur Wingカンタロスの羽 | 1 | 25% |
Hornetaur Shellカンタロスの甲殻 | 1 | 2% |
Monster Fluidモンスターの体液 | 1 | 4% |
Thunderbug雷光虫 | 1 | 1% |
The Velociprey Packランポスの大軍団を討伐せよ!
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 20 Velociprey目的: ランポス20頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 30min分
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 500z
Requestor: Proud Farmer
I had you kill those 15 Velociprey, but now they're back! There's 20 of them this time. Please take care of it for me, hunter!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮 | 3 | 25% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 12 | 25% |
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 3 | 2% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 24 | 4% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 33 | 1% |
Attack of the Rathalos激闘!雄火竜リオレウス
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z
Requestor: Proud Soldier
It cannot be... But.. My entire warband was wiped out by a wyvern. Now all rests upon your shoulders, monster hunter! Slay it!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 5% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 25% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 25% |
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜 | 1 | 5% |
Wyvern Fang竜の牙 | 6 | 2% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 19% |
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 75% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 25% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 75% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 25% |
Deliver Three Wyvern Eggsグルメ貴婦人の夢
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 30min分
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z
Requestor: The Lady Gourmet
I travel the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try the egg of a wyvern. Please bring me 3 Wyvern Eggs!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Egg Ticketたまご券 | 1 | 4% |
Potion回復薬 | 2 | 25% |
Honeyハチミツ | 2 | 25% |
Nutrients栄養剤 | 1 | 25% |
Potion回復薬 | 3 | 15% |
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート | 1 | 6% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 85% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 15% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 85% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 15% |
The Genprey Packゲネポス討伐大作戦
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 20 Genprey目的: ゲネポス20頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 700z
Requestor: Gold Digger
Recently I saw Genpreys alot. I think their pack will attack us soon. Kill 20 of them before they attack us! Please!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Genprey Hideゲネポスの皮 | 3 | 25% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 25% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 4 | 25% |
Genprey Scaleゲネポスの鱗 | 3 | 2% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 10 | 4% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 20 | 1% |
Velocidrome Eradication!波状攻撃!三つの影 *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス3頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,000z
Requestor: Young Guardsman
What?! The boss of the Velociprey pack seems to have returned again! And now there are three! Since the flying dragon was also sighted, please be careful when fighting!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪 | 1 | 4% |
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙 | 24 | 2% |
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗 | 4 | 2% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 24 | 2% |
Screamer鳴き袋 | 1 | 15% |
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 85% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 15% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 85% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 15% |
Gendrome Redux!ドスゲネポス、再び! *
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,100z
Requestor: Desert Lord
A pack of monsters led by 3 Gendrome is causing trouble for us. Please hunt down and slay the 3 Gendrome.
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Stun Sac麻痺袋 | 1 | 4% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 2 | 2% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 5 | 2% |
Genprey Hideゲネポスの皮 | 4 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 24 | 2% |
Genprey Scaleゲネポスの鱗 | 4 | 15% |
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙 | 15 | 1% |
Fang of the Iodrome!ドスイーオス、再び! *
Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z
Requestor: Jungle Envoy
My village is under attack by a pack of Ioprey. The pack is led by 3 alpha monsters. Slay the poison- filled creatures for us!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Poison Sac毒袋 | 1 | 1% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 2 | 2% |
Ioprey Fangイーオスの毒牙 | 5 | 2% |
Ioprey Hideイーオスの皮 | 4 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 24 | 2% |
Ioprey Scaleイーオスの鱗 | 4 | 15% |
Ioprey Fangイーオスの毒牙 | 15 | 4% |
Basarios: Unseen Peril
Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z
Requestor: Survivor
A wyvern attacked my expedition from out of the blue in the volcanic zone. Where did it come from? Please slay it!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石 | 1 | 15% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 24 | 2% |
Iron Ore鉄鉱石 | 3 | 3% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 3% |
Poison Sac毒袋 | 1 | 4% |
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石 | 4 | 1% |
Water Wyvern in the Desert
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z
Requestor: Proud Hunter
I found a giant Water Wyvern in a cave in the desert! I can't defeat it because it stays underwater. Slay it and the credit's yours!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Plesioth Fin水竜のヒレ | 1 | 4% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 5 | 25% |
Piscine Fang魚竜の牙 | 2 | 25% |
Piscine Jaw魚竜の顎 | 1 | 25% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Lobstershellエビの小殻 | 1 | 1% |
Queen of the Desert
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 1,800z
Requestor: Influential Noble
I have traveled far to find a hunter capable of ridding my lands of a troublesome wyvern. Please defeat the Rathian for us.
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗 | 1 | 5% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 25% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 25% |
Flame Sac火炎袋 | 1 | 5% |
Wyvern Fang竜の牙 | 6 | 2% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 19% |
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathian's head D* | ||
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻 | 1 | ?% |
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗 | 1 | ?% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathian's wings D* | ||
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪 | 1 | ?% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | ?% |
Slay the Rathian!
Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 1,900z
Requestor: Charitable Man
The monsters in the swamp zone are out of control, the Rathian in particular. I want you to hunt one down. Casualties are spiraling!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗 | 1 | 5% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 25% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 25% |
Flame Sac火炎袋 | 1 | 5% |
Wyvern Fang竜の牙 | 6 | 2% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 19% |
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathian's head D* | ||
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻 | 1 | ?% |
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗 | 1 | ?% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathian's wings D* | ||
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪 | 1 | ?% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | ?% |
Catch a Rathalosリオレウス捕獲大作戦 *
Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの捕獲
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,500z
Requestor: Selfish Princess
I'm keeping that wyvern as a pet! So hands off! Now I want a male wyvern. And I want it ALIVE. OK?
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾 | 1 | 5% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 5 | 1% |
Wyvern Fang竜の牙 | 5 | 5% |
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】 | 1 | 5% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 5% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 5% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 2% |
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 2% |
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜 | 1 | 2% |
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄 | 1 | 4% |
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 75% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 25% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 75% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 3 | 25% |
Horn of the Monoblos決戦!一角竜モノブロス
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Monoblos目的: モノブロスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z
Requestor: Royal Envoy
Rumor has it the hunters here are among the best. A Monoblos has laid our soldiers low. Now we need your help. Slay it for us!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Monoblos Shell一角竜の甲殻 | 1 | 15% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 24 | 1% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 15% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 25% |
Monoblos Spine一角竜の背甲 | 1 | 1% |
Blos Jaw角竜の顎 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 48 | 4% |
Lg Bone Huskカラ骨【大】 | 12 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Monoblos's horn D* | ||
Crimson Horn真紅の角 | 1 | 100% |
Urgent Quests緊急
Basarios: Unseen Peril見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!
Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z
Requestor: Survivor
A wyvern attacked my expedition from out of the blue in the volcanic zone. Where did it come from? Please slay it!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Basarios Shell岩竜の甲殻 | 1 | 2% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 24 | 15% |
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石 | 1 | 25% |
Iron Ore鉄鉱石 | 3 | 2% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 15% |
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石 | 3 | 4% |
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石 | 6 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Basarios's chest D* | ||
Basarios Shell岩竜の甲殻 | 1 | 75% |
Iron Ore鉄鉱石 | 8 | 25% |
The Shadow in the Cave洞窟に潜む影
Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z
Requestor: Noble Lady
A child is lost in the caves. We want to rescue him, but a gray wyvern is in the area... Please slay the beast!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Flabby Hideブヨブヨした皮 | 1 | 3% |
Wyvern Fang竜の牙 | 3 | 15% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 2 | 15% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 15% |
Electro Sac電気袋 | 1 | 2% |
Electro Sac電気袋 | 1 | 4% |
Wyvern Fang竜の牙 | 15 | 1% |
The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス
Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z
Requestor: Border Captain
A giant wyvern smashed the border-wall and ran into this area. We need to find and kill it before it causes any more trouble!
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Blos Jaw角竜の顎 | 1 | 5% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 24 | 5% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 2% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 2% |
Diablos Shell角竜の甲殻 | 1 | 25% |
Blos Fang角竜の牙 | 1 | 1% |
Diablos Tail角竜の尻尾 | 1 | 1% |
Lg Bone Huskカラ骨【大】 | 24 | 4% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 48 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break both of Diablos's horns D* | ||
Twisted Hornねじれた角 | 1 | 95% |
Majestic Horn上質なねじれた角 | 1 | 5% |
Terror of the Gravios鎧竜グラビモスの脅威
Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z
Requestor: Troubled Noble
A fearsome Gravios has appeared amidst the magma and desolation of the volcanic zone. Slay the firebreather for us!
Prerequisites: Clear “Basarios: Unseen Peril”
条件: ≪見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!≫をクリアで出現
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Gravios Shell鎧竜の甲殻 | 1 | 25% |
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】 | 48 | 1% |
Lg Bone Huskカラ骨【大】 | 12 | 1% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 2% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 2% |
Sleep Sac睡眠袋 | 1 | 1% |
Lg Bone Huskカラ骨【大】 | 24 | 4% |
Wyvern Claw竜の爪 | 24 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Gravios's chest D* | ||
Gravios Shell鎧竜の甲殻 | 1 | 50% |
Flame Sac火炎袋 | 1 | 50% |
Handle With Care!
Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 1 Powderstone目的: 火薬岩1つを納品
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z
Requestor: Royal Armorer
We need large amounts of explosive to make Bowgun ammo. I want you to bring 1 Powderstone here to me. And be careful about it!
Prerequisites: Clear “The Terror of Gravios”, “The Runaway Diablos”, and “The Shadow in the Cave”.
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Commendation勇気の証 | 1 | 1% |
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石 | 1 | 35% |
Ruststone (bowgun)さびた塊(ボ) | 1 | 5% |
Ruststone (great sword)さびた塊(大) | 1 | 5% |
Ruststone (hammer)さびた塊(ハ) | 1 | 5% |
Ruststone (sword and shield)さびた塊(小) | 1 | 5% |
Ruststone (lance)さびた塊(ラ) | 1 | 5% |
Fire Herb火薬草 | 10 | 2% |
Lightcrystalライトクリスタル | 1 | 15% |
Commendation勇気の証 | 1 | 4% |
A Troublesome Pair一対の巨影
Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay Rathalos and Rathian目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐
Time Limit:時間制限: 50min分
Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 6,400z
Requestor: Village Chief
My, how you've become a fine hunter! I have a job for you. I want you to hunt down a pair of wyverns, a Rathalos and a Rathian.
Prerequisites: Clear all other quests.
条件: 全クエストをクリア
In-depth Details詳細
Quest Rewards基本報酬
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Clear Quest | ||
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼 | 1 | 5% |
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗 | 1 | 1% |
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 1% |
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗 | 1 | 1% |
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 1% |
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】 | 1 | 5% |
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】 | 1 | 2% |
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘 | 3 | 1% |
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾 | 1 | 1% |
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄 | 1 | 1% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathian's head D* | ||
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 75% |
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻 | 2 | 25% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathian's wings D* | ||
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 75% |
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪 | 2 | 25% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's head D* | ||
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 1 | 75% |
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻 | 2 | 25% |
Itemアイテム | Quantity量 | % Chance報酬確率 |
Break Rathalos's wings D* | ||
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 1 | 75% |
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪 | 2 | 25% |