Monster Hunter GMonster Hunter


Village D* M*

Quest Level Lv1★

Basics: Finding Raw Meatハンターの基本、生肉の入手 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 pieces of Raw Meat目的: 生肉2つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

Requestor: Village Chief

First, a little trial. Hunt down an Aptonoth and harvest the meat. Deliver 2 pieces of Raw Meat and you'll complete your first quest!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basics: Preparing Meatハンターの基本、肉の調理 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Well-Done Steak目的: こんがり肉1つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

Requestor: Village Chief

You can't eat Raw Meat! You've got to cook it first! I want you to barbecue some meat and bring a piece back to the camp!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basics: Searching for Itemsハンターの基本、アイテム探索 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb目的: 薬草2つとクモの巣1つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

Requestor: Village Chief

You can find all sorts of useful items during a hunt. Search around and bring me 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨125%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗15%

Basics: Combining Itemsハンターの基本、アイテム調合 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Potions目的: 回復薬2つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

Requestor: Village Chief

You can combine items to make new ones! Start with the basics: a Potion! You'll need a Blue Mushroom, and... Oh, what was the other...?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨125%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗15%

Basics: Fishingハンターの基本、釣り *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Sushifish目的: サシミウオ1匹の納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

Requestor: Village Chief

You can use the fish you catch in all sorts of ways! Catch a Health-restoring Sushifish and bring it back to camp!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨125%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗15%

Your First Monster Hunt!初めてのモンスター討伐!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velociprey目的: ランポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z

Requestor: Village Guard

HELP! The children are being attacked by small, blue monsters called Velociprey! 3 of the beasts are outside! Do something!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv2★

Your First Monster Hunt!初めてのモンスター討伐!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velociprey目的: ランポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z

Requestor: Village Guard

HELP! The children are being attacked by small, blue monsters called Velociprey! 3 of the beasts are outside! Do something!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Mushroom Picking森のキノコ狩り

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 7 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ7本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 90z
Reward:報酬金: 180z

Requestor: Loving Sibling

I want to send some Special Mushrooms to my brother in town. But there are too many monsters. Please bring 7 Special Mushrooms to me.

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Present for the Armorer武具職人へのプレゼント *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 5 Kelbi Horns目的: ケルビの角5本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z

Requestor: Veteran Armorer

The decorations on Bowguns have always been made from the horns of Kelbi. But we're running out! Can you bring 5 Kelbi Horns to me?

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Help for the Festival祭りの準備をお手伝い

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 5 Well-Done Steaks目的: こんがり肉5つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 90z
Reward:報酬金: 180z

Requestor: Town Chef

I'm cooking for a big festival in the town. But I'm running low on Well-Done Steaks. Can you bring me 5?

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Raid the Wyvern's Nest潜入!飛竜の巣! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Wyvern Egg目的: 飛竜の卵1つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 350z

Requestor: Local Doctor

One of the village people has fallen ill. I need a Wyvern Egg to cure them. Please sneak into a nest and get an egg for me!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗115%
Sap Plantネンチャク草135%
Egg Ticketたまご券11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗190%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪390%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪110%

The Formidable Velocidrome!強敵、ドスランポス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 1 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス1頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

Requestor: Young Guardsman

After you killed those Velociprey, their leader showed up! It's bigger, and it has an orange crest. Find it and kill it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv3★

The Formidable Velocidrome!強敵、ドスランポス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 1 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス1頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

Requestor: Young Guardsman

After you killed those Velociprey, their leader showed up! It's bigger, and it has an orange crest. Find it and kill it!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Mushroom Hunt!特産キノコを手に入れろ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ10本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 300z

Requestor: Botanist

I finally made it! I have traveled long and far to find rare mushrooms. I need 10 Special Mushrooms for my research. Please find them!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern Egg Acquisition!飛竜の卵、回収作戦!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Wyvern Egg目的: 飛竜の卵1つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 25min
Fee:契約金: 120z
Reward:報酬金: 450z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

I travel the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try the egg of a wyvern. Please bring me 1 Wyvern Egg!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗115%
Sap Plantネンチャク草135%
Egg Ticketたまご券11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗190%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪390%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪110%

Find the Wyvern Eggs!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵2つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: Local Doctor

One of the village people has fallen ill. With 2 Wyvern Eggs I could make a remedy. Please get me 2 eggs from a wyvern's nest!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Liver of Legend!幻のキモを追え! *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Piscine Livers目的: 魚竜のキモ3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

Requestor: Foreign Peddler

I deal in rare items that I find in the desert. I've got a buyer for Water Wyvern and Sand Wyvern livers. Deliver 3 livers to me!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Trouble in the Forest

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 10 Bullfango目的: ブルファンゴ10頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 450z

Requestor: Lumberjack

Those boar-monsters, the Bullfango, have been a lot of trouble lately. Can you thin the herd by 10 head? Much obliged.

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Velocidrome Redux!ドスランポス、再び!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 2 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス2頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

Requestor: Young Guardsman

Another Velocidrome has shown up. Please take care of it for me. Wyverns have also been sighted nearby, so be very careful.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙82%
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮12%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗12%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】82%
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗190%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪390%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪110%

Slay the Velociprey!ランポスたちを討伐せよ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 10 Velociprey目的: ランポス10頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 130z
Reward:報酬金: 300z

Requestor: Proud Farmer

A pack of 10 Velociprey have been preying on my cows! They're too much for me to handle. Please get rid of them for me!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 950z

Requestor: Jungle Envoy

My village is under attack by a large-eared, bird-like monster. I hear that it's sensitive to noise. Please slay it for us!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Yian Kut-Ku!大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 900z

Requestor: Macho Guardsman

A bird-like Yian Kut-Ku is attacking people all over the place! Show me what you're made of by taking it out!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Requestor: Oasis Town Chief

Our pack-animals were eaten by something in the desert. But nobody actually saw the monsters attack! Find and slay the alpha monster!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv4★

The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Requestor: Oasis Town Chief

Our pack-animals were eaten by something in the desert. But nobody actually saw the monsters attack! Find and slay the alpha monster!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Mushroom Delivery!特産キノコ捜索網!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ10本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

I have a dog and his favorite food are mushrooms. I want you to look for 10 of those “Special Mushrooms”. Yeah, for my cute dog!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Bring Me Eggs!草食竜の卵を持ちかえれ!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs目的: 草食竜の卵3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,500z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

I search the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try Apceros eggs. Let's start with 3. Thanks in advance!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Find the Wyvern Eggs!飛竜の卵を探せ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵2つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: Local Doctor

One of the village people has fallen ill. With 2 Wyvern Eggs I could make a remedy. Please get me 2 eggs from a wyvern's nest!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート15%
Power Seed怪力の種12%
Armor Seed忍耐の種12%
Egg Ticketたまご券115%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%

Attack of the Giant Bugs!巨大昆虫、発生! *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 15 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ15匹の退治

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

Requestor: Jungle Envoy

My village is under attack by a swarm of 15 bug monsters. Please help! They're weak individually, but formidable in a group!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Velociprey Pack!ランポスの群れを討伐せよ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 20 Velociprey目的: ランポス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 20min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 500z

Requestor: Proud Farmer

I had you kill those 10 Velociprey, but now they're back! There's 20 of them this time. Please take care of it for me, hunter!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮225%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】125%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙625%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗22%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙124%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙241%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻150%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪150%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪350%

Velocidrome Redux!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 2 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス2頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

Requestor: Young Guardsman

Another Velocidrome has shown up. Please take care of it for me. Wyverns have also been sighted nearby, so be very careful.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙82%
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮12%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗12%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】82%
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻1?%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗1?%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪1?%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪3?%

Slay the Genprey!ゲネポス討伐作戦

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 15 Genprey目的: ゲネポス15頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 500z

Requestor: Gold Dealer

I've been seeing a lot of Genprey these days. They're just waiting to attack us. It's a pack of 20. Hunt them down!|[US:]Requestor: Injured Soldier I'm too injured to go on. I'd like you to find and kill 20 Genprey in the swamp for me. Watch out, they can paralyze you...!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Genprey!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 20 Genprey目的: ゲネポス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

Requestor: Gold Dealer

I've been seeing a lot of Genprey these days. They're just waiting to attack us. It's a pack of 20. Hunt them down!|[US:]Requestor: Injured Soldier I'm too injured to go on. I'd like you to find and kill 20 Genprey in the swamp for me. Watch out, they can paralyze you...!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gendrome! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 2 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス2頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: Ambitious Noble

My caravans are being hit by Genprey. 2 Gendrome are leading the pack. Kill them and make the roads safe again for all!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gendrome!ゲネポスたちの親玉 *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 2 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス2頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: Ambitious Noble

My caravans are being hit by Genprey. 2 Gendrome are leading the pack. Kill them and make the roads safe again for all!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Ioprey Hunting

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 20 Ioprey目的: イーオス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 700z

Requestor: Mine Owner

We encountered a huge Ioprey nest in a deep tunnel! We can't continue working unless you kill 20 of them for us!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Poisonous Fangsドスイーオスの毒牙!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 2 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス2頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: Wounded Soldier

Iopreys are carnivorous red monsters with poison fangs. They repeatedly attacked the village as a pack. If you can defeat the two alpha monsters, we will be able to handle the pack.

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

Requestor: Guarded Merchant

I saw a gigantic bird-like monster deep in the swamp! I can't do business with a thing like that in there! Please find it and kill it!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Catch a Yian Kut-Kuイャンクックを捕まえろ! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 1,000z

Requestor: Stern Scholar

I would like you to find and capture a Yian Kut-Ku alive. I suggest using a Pitfall Trap. Good luck, and thanks in advance!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Rathalos激闘!雄火竜リオレウス

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z

Requestor: Proud Soldier

It cannot be... But.. My entire warband was wiped out by a wyvern. Now all rests upon your shoulders, monster hunter! Slay it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Quest Level Lv5★

Giant Bug Attack!巨大昆虫、大発生!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 30 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ30匹の退治

Time Limit:時間制限: 40min
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 500z

Requestor: Large Farm Lord

My farm has been ruined by huge insects! They roam the jungle area and attack with a swarm of 30. Get rid of them!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Velociprey Packランポスの大軍団を討伐せよ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 20 Velociprey目的: ランポス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 500z

Requestor: Proud Farmer

I had you kill those 15 Velociprey, but now they're back! There's 20 of them this time. Please take care of it for me, hunter!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Rathalos激闘!雄火竜リオレウス

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z

Requestor: Proud Soldier

It cannot be... But.. My entire warband was wiped out by a wyvern. Now all rests upon your shoulders, monster hunter! Slay it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Deliver Three Wyvern Eggsグルメ貴婦人の夢

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

I travel the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try the egg of a wyvern. Please bring me 3 Wyvern Eggs!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート16%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻185%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗115%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪185%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪315%

The Genprey Packゲネポス討伐大作戦

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 20 Genprey目的: ゲネポス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 700z

Requestor: Gold Digger

Recently I saw Genpreys alot. I think their pack will attack us soon. Kill 20 of them before they attack us! Please!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Velocidrome Eradication!波状攻撃!三つの影 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,000z

Requestor: Young Guardsman

What?! The boss of the Velociprey pack seems to have returned again! And now there are three! Since the flying dragon was also sighted, please be careful when fighting!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪14%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙242%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗42%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】242%
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻185%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗115%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪185%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪315%

Gendrome Redux!ドスゲネポス、再び! *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,100z

Requestor: Desert Lord

A pack of monsters led by 3 Gendrome is causing trouble for us. Please hunt down and slay the 3 Gendrome.

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Fang of the Iodrome!ドスイーオス、再び! *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Requestor: Jungle Envoy

My village is under attack by a pack of Ioprey. The pack is led by 3 alpha monsters. Slay the poison- filled creatures for us!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basarios: Unseen Peril

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

Requestor: Survivor

A wyvern attacked my expedition from out of the blue in the volcanic zone. Where did it come from? Please slay it!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Water Wyvern in the Desert

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

Requestor: Proud Hunter

I found a giant Water Wyvern in a cave in the desert! I can't defeat it because it stays underwater. Slay it and the credit's yours!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Queen of the Desert

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 1,800z

Requestor: Influential Noble

I have traveled far to find a hunter capable of ridding my lands of a troublesome wyvern. Please defeat the Rathian for us.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻1?%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗1?%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪1?%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪3?%

Slay the Rathian!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 1,900z

Requestor: Charitable Man

The monsters in the swamp zone are out of control, the Rathian in particular. I want you to hunt one down. Casualties are spiraling!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻1?%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗1?%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪1?%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪3?%

Catch a Rathalosリオレウス捕獲大作戦 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,500z

Requestor: Selfish Princess

I'm keeping that wyvern as a pet! So hands off! Now I want a male wyvern. And I want it ALIVE. OK?

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Horn of the Monoblos決戦!一角竜モノブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Monoblos目的: モノブロスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

Requestor: Royal Envoy

Rumor has it the hunters here are among the best. A Monoblos has laid our soldiers low. Now we need your help. Slay it for us!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Urgent Quests緊急

Basarios: Unseen Peril見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Requestor: Survivor

A wyvern attacked my expedition from out of the blue in the volcanic zone. Where did it come from? Please slay it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Shadow in the Cave洞窟に潜む影

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z

Requestor: Noble Lady

A child is lost in the caves. We want to rescue him, but a gray wyvern is in the area... Please slay the beast!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

Requestor: Border Captain

A giant wyvern smashed the border-wall and ran into this area. We need to find and kill it before it causes any more trouble!

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Quest Rewards基本報酬

Terror of the Gravios鎧竜グラビモスの脅威

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Requestor: Troubled Noble

A fearsome Gravios has appeared amidst the magma and desolation of the volcanic zone. Slay the firebreather for us!

Prerequisites: Clear “Basarios: Unseen Peril”

条件: ≪見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!≫をクリアで出現

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Handle With Care!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 1 Powderstone目的: 火薬岩1つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Requestor: Royal Armorer

We need large amounts of explosive to make Bowgun ammo. I want you to bring 1 Powderstone here to me. And be careful about it!

Prerequisites: Clear “The Terror of Gravios”, “The Runaway Diablos”, and “The Shadow in the Cave”.


In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

A Troublesome Pair一対の巨影

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay Rathalos and Rathian目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 6,400z

Requestor: Village Chief

My, how you've become a fine hunter! I have a job for you. I want you to hunt down a pair of wyverns, a Rathalos and a Rathian.

Prerequisites: Clear all other quests.

条件: 全クエストをクリア

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼15%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗11%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗11%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】15%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】12%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘31%
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾11%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪225%

Quest Level Lv1★

Basics: Finding Raw Meatハンターの基本、生肉の入手 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 pieces of Raw Meat目的: 生肉2つを納品

Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basics: Preparing Meatハンターの基本、肉の調理 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Well-Done Steak目的: こんがり肉1つを納品

Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basics: Searching for Itemsハンターの基本、アイテム探索 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Herbs and 1 Spiderweb目的: 薬草2つとクモの巣1つを納品

Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨125%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗15%

Basics: Combining Itemsハンターの基本、アイテム調合 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Potions目的: 回復薬2つを納品

Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨125%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗15%

Basics: Fishingハンターの基本、釣り *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Sushifish目的: サシミウオ1匹の納品

Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 50z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨125%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗15%

Your First Monster Hunt!初めてのモンスター討伐

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velociprey目的: ランポス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv2★

Your First Monster Hunt!初めてのモンスター討伐

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velociprey目的: ランポス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Mushroom Picking森のキノコ狩り *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 7 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ7本を納品

Fee:契約金: 90z
Reward:報酬金: 180z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Present for the Armorer武具職人へのプレゼント *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 5 Kelbi Horns目的: ケルビの角5本を納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Help for the Festival祭りの準備をお手伝い

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 5 Well-Done Steaks目的: こんがり肉5つを納品

Fee:契約金: 90z
Reward:報酬金: 180z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Raid the Wyvern's Nest潜入!飛竜の巣! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 1 Wyvern Egg目的: 飛竜の卵1つを納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 350z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Formidable Velocidrome!強敵、ドスランポス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 1 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス1頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv3★

Slay the Yian Kut-Ku!大怪鳥イャンクックを倒せ! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 900z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Velociprey!ランポスたちを討伐せよ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 10 Velociprey目的: ランポス10頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 130z
Reward:報酬金: 300z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Liver of Legend!幻のキモを追え! *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Piscine Livers目的: 魚竜のキモ3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Formidable Velocidrome!強敵、ドスランポス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 1 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス1頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 950z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Mushroom Hunt!特産キノコを手に入れろ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 10 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ10本を納品

Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 300z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Find the Wyvern Egss!飛竜の卵を探せ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 2 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵2つを納品

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Trouble in the Forest森の中の異変 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 10 Bullfango目的: ブルファンゴ10頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 450z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv4★

Catch a Yian Kut-Kuイャンクックを捕まえろ! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 1,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Velociprey Pack!ランポスの群れを討伐せよ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 20 Velociprey目的: ランポス20頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 500z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮225%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】125%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙625%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗220%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙24%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙41%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗150%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪350%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪150%

Velocidrome Redux!ドスランポス、再び! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 2 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙820%
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮120%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗120%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】820%
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗190%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪390%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪110%

The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Bring Me Eggs!草食竜の卵を持ちかえれ!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs目的: 草食竜の卵3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,500z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Giant Bugs!巨大昆虫、発生! *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 30 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ30匹の退治

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Genprey!ゲネポス討伐作戦!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 20 Genprey目的: ゲネポス20頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gendrome!ドスゲネポスを狩れ! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 2 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Ioprey Hunting!イーオス討伐作戦!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 20 Ioprey目的: イーオス20頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 220z
Reward:報酬金: 700z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!ゲリョスを討伐せよ! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪120%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Attack of the Rathalos激闘!雄火竜リオレウス

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪322%
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼13%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Quest Level Lv5★

Lady Gourmet's Dreamグルメ貴婦人の夢

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート16%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻185%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗115%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪185%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪315%

The Plague of Yian Kut-Ku大怪鳥の異常発生!! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 2 or more Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクック2頭以上の討伐

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,100z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】220%
Kut-Ku Shell怪鳥の甲殻242%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗334%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 2 or more D*
Kut-Ku Ear怪鳥の耳190%
Kut-Ku Webbing怪鳥の翼膜210%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 4 or more D*
Giant Beak巨大なクチバシ188%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン112%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 6 or more D*
Kut-Ku Ear怪鳥の耳387%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン213%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 9 or more D*
Giant Beak巨大なクチバシ489%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン311%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 12 or more D*
Kut-Ku Ear怪鳥の耳689%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン811%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 15 or more D*
Giant Beak巨大なクチバシ889%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン1011%

Fang of the Iodrome!ドスイーオスの毒牙

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Rathalos激闘!雄火竜リオレウス

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪322%
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼13%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Attack of the Rathalos激闘!雄火竜リオレウス

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Azure Rathalos目的: 蒼リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Azure Rathalos Scale蒼火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Azure Rathalos Webbing蒼火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's head D*
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻175%
Azure Rathalos Scale蒼火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's wings D*
Azure Rathalos Claw蒼火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Catch a Rathalosリオレウス捕獲大作戦 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,500z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Water Wyvern in the Desert砂漠の水竜

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 1,950z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basarios: Unseen Peril見えざる飛竜、バサルモス! *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石115%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2420%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石330%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】130%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石41%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Basarios Shell岩竜の甲殻175%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石1225%

Queen of the Desert砂漠に舞う女王

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 1,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Desert砂漠に舞う女王

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian目的: 桜リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 1,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pink Rathian Scale桜火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Pink Rathian Spike桜火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻175%
Pink Rathian Scale桜火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathian!雌火竜リオレイアを倒せ! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 2,100z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathian!雌火竜リオレイアを倒せ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian目的: 桜リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 2,100z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pink Rathian Scale桜火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Pink Rathian Spike桜火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻175%
Pink Rathian Scale桜火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Horn of the Monoblos決戦!一角竜モノブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Monoblos目的: モノブロスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Urgent Quests緊急

Horn of the Monoblos決戦!一角竜モノブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Monoblos目的: モノブロスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Horn of the Monoblos決戦!一角竜モノブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the White Monoblos目的: 白モノブロスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Terror of the Gravios鎧竜グラビモスの脅威

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Prerequisites: Appears if you own any piece of Cephalos armor

条件: ガレオス系防具をどれか1つ所持で出現

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Handle With Care!危険物、取り扱い注意!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 1 Powderstone目的: 火薬岩1つを納品

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Prerequisites: Clear “The Terror of Gravios”, “The Runaway Diablos”, and “The Shadow in the Cave“.

条件: ≪鎧竜グラビモスの脅威≫、≪死闘!角竜ディアブロス≫、≪洞窟に潜む影≫をクリアで出現

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

Prerequisites: Appears if you own any piece of Monoblos armor

条件: モノブロス系防具をどれか1つ所持で出現

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Shadow in the Cave洞窟に潜む影

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 2,250z

Prerequisites: Appears if you own any piece of Vespoid armor

条件: ランゴスタ系防具をどれか1つ所持で出現

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

A Troublesome Pair一対の巨影

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos目的: 桜リオレイア、蒼リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 6,400z

Prerequisites: Complete “Handle With Care!”

条件: ≪危険物、取り扱い注意!≫をクリアで出現

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Azure Rathalos Wing蒼火竜の翼15%
Pink Rathian Scale桜火竜の鱗110%
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻110%
Azure Rathalos Scale蒼火竜の鱗110%
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻110%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】15%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】120%
Pink Rathian Spike桜火竜の棘310%
Azure Rathalos Tail蒼火竜の尻尾110%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's head D*
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻275%
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's wings D*
Azure Rathalos Claw蒼火竜の翼爪275%
Azure Rathalos Claw蒼火竜の翼爪125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻275%
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪275%
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪125%

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍の侵攻

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンから砦を守れ

Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 6,400z

Prerequisites: Clear all Kokoto Village quests, and clear all quests in the Training Center

条件: 全クエストをクリア、および訓練所の全クエストをクリアで出現

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗125%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻125%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗115%
Sm Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の爪15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%

Town D* M*

Quest Level Lv1★ 1-4

It's Party Time!パーティを成功させろ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 10 pieces of Raw Meat目的: 生肉10個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

Requestor: Party Organizer

We're throwing a party at his lordship's home, but didn't order enough food! Can you bring us 10 pieces of Raw Meat right away?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Sap Plantネンチャク草129%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗115%
Power Seed怪力の種14%
Power Seed怪力の種11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Show me your Cooking Skills!料理の腕を披露せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 15 Well-Done Steaks目的: こんがり肉15個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: Jungle Explorer

Our expedition got lost. I made it out, but the team is totally out of supplies! Please deliver 15 Well-Done Steaks for them!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Mushroom Picking森のキノコ狩り

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 15 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ15本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

Requestor: Happy Peddler

The Special Mushrooms around here sell for a fortune down south! I'd like you to pick 15 of them from the forest. I pay well. Whaddya say?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Blue Mushroomアオキノコ124%
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

The Mushroom Hunt!特産キノコ捜索網! *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 20 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ20本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

My doggie just looooves Special Mushrooms! I'd like you to bring me 20 of them. Please don't disappoint my precious little doggie!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Blue Mushroomアオキノコ124%
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ14%
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

The Sculptor's Errand彫刻家への届けもの *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 12 Kelbi Horns目的: ケルビの角12本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: The Old Sculptor

I make art using monster tusks and horns. Can you get me 12 Kelbi Horns? They're those deer-like monsters in the forest.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Panning for Goldenfish幻の黄金魚を探せ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 5 Goldenfish目的: 黄金魚5匹を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Requestor: The Collector

I'd do anything to get my hands on some legendary Goldenfish! I'm begging you to bring me 5 of them! Please!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Bomb Arowanaバクレツアロワナ28%
Pin Tunaハリマグロ102%
Burst Arowanaハレツアロワナ52%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻125%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%

Crystal Hunting!クリスタルハンティング! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 3 pieces of Sootstone Ore目的: 白水晶の原石3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,400z

Requestor: Gem Dealer

I heard a rumor that a vein of Sootstone has been discovered. To confirm it, I want you to obtain 3 pieces of Sootstone Ore.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Jewel Ticket宝石券14%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石125%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石425%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶125%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶22%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

The Lady Gourmet幻の珍味を追え!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 10 Piscine Livers目的: 魚竜のキモ10個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,600z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

I travel the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try the liver of a Piscine Wyvern. Please bring me 10 of these livers!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Giant Bugs巨大昆虫、大発生!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 50 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ50匹の退治

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Requestor: Landowner

My plantation's under attack by giant bugs! They nest in the jungle, in a swarm of about 50. Take care of them for me!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Velociprey Huntランポス討伐作戦! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 20 Velociprey目的: ランポス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,000z

Requestor: Town Guard

There's a group of 20 or so Velociprey in the forest attacking travelers. I want you to hunt them down and get rid of them.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮225%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】125%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙625%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗22%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙124%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙241%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻125%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%

The Velociprey Lordsランポスたちの親玉

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,800z

Requestor: Town Guard

There are 3 alpha Velociprey that seem to be guiding the rest. They're too large for us to handle. Can you get rid of them?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙122%
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮32%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗32%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】122%
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻125%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%

Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,600z

Requestor: Jungle Envoy

I want you to hunt and kill the giant bird-like monster that has appeared in our jungle. It's wreaking havoc on our environment!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku怪鳥イャンクック襲来! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,400z

Requestor: Novice Hunter

That Yian Kut-Ku really made mincemeat out of me! It's out of my league, so I want you to hunt it down for me!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!ゲリョスを討伐せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Requestor: Guarded Merchant

I saw a gigantic bird-like monster deep in the jungle! I can't do business with a thing like that in there! Please find it and kill it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪12%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Quest Level Lv2★ 5-8

Slay the Gypceros!ゲリョスを討伐せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Requestor: Guarded Merchant

I saw a gigantic bird-like monster deep in the jungle! I can't do business with a thing like that in there! Please find it and kill it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪12%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

More Coal Please燃石炭採掘指令 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 15 pieces of Coal目的: 燃石炭15個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

Requestor: Fort Guard

We need Coal to power our spear cannon. It can be found in the jungle. The more fuel the better, so please bring us 15 pieces!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Re-Supply the Dragonator最終兵器の燃料調達

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 15 pieces of Coal目的: 燃石炭15個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

Requestor: Fort Guard

We have installed a steam- powered spear cannon to repel monsters, but we need Coal to power it! Please bring us 15 pieces of it.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石11%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石124%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石225%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶225%
Disk Stone円盤石32%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石24%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石41%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gravios's chest D*
Gravios Shell鎧竜の甲殻175%
Sleep Sac睡眠袋125%

Get me Sootstone Ore!灰水晶の原石を採掘せよ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 3 pieces of Sootstone Ore目的: 白水晶の原石3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Greedy Merchant

I never get sick of gems! I hear that Sootstone Ore can be found around here. Bring 3 pieces of it to me for a hefty reward.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Jewel Ticket宝石券14%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石125%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石425%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶125%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶22%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Iron Ore鉄鉱石875%
Basarios Shell岩竜の甲殻125%

Raid the Wyvern's Nest潜入!飛竜の巣 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 180z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Royal Chef

Ever eaten a Wyvern Egg? They're a delicacy only found inside wyvern nests. Bring me 3 of the eggs, and I'll pay you handsomely.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券11%
Power Seed怪力の種125%
Armor Seed忍耐の種125%
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Apceros Egg Hunt草食竜の卵を回収せよ!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs目的: 草食竜の卵3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 180z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

Requestor: Famous Scholar

I am studying the ecology of the Apceros. I need 3 eggs for my research, but I am too weak to get them! Can you bring them to me?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Cactus Flowerサボテンの花125%
Power Seed怪力の種125%
Armor Seed忍耐の種125%
Unknown Skullなぞの頭骨12%
Unknown Skullなぞの頭骨11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break both of Diablos's horns D*
Twisted Hornねじれた角195%
Majestic Horn上質なねじれた角15%

Trouble in the Swamp森の中の異変 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 15 Bullfango目的: ブルファンゴ15頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Requestor: Swamp Miner

The swamp animals have been unruly lately, especially the Bullfango. I've been asked to hunt down 15 of them. Can you help me out?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Bullfango Peltファンゴの毛皮215%
Antidote Herbげどく草125%
Sap Plantネンチャク草125%
Bullfango Peltファンゴの毛皮13%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Slay the Genprey!ゲネポス討伐作戦! *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 20 Genprey目的: ゲネポス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Requestor: Injured Soldier

I'm too injured to go on. I'd like you to find and kill 20 Genprey in the desert for me. Watch out, they can paralyze you...!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gendrome!ドスゲネポスを狩れ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Requestor: Ambitious Noble

My caravans are being hit by Genprey. 3 Gendrome are leading the pack. Kill them and make the roads safe again for all!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Genprey Hideゲネポスの皮32%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】12%
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙42%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】122%
Genprey Scaleゲネポスの鱗315%
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙104%
Stun Sac麻痺袋11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻125%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%

Leaders of the Genpreyゲネポスたちの親玉

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 2,200z

Requestor: Desert Lord

3 Gendrome and their pack have long been menacing this area. Please destroy the Gendrome to disperse the pack for us!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Requestor: Oasis Town Chief

A villager was tracking a pack of monsters, but lost sight of them in the desert. Please find the leader of the pack and kill it for us.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Gypceros in the Swamp湿地帯の毒怪鳥

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Good Hunter

I thought I was doing well against that creature in the swamp zone, but it was just playing dead! Hunt it down for me!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪12%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Gypceros: Venomous Terror毒の怪鳥、ゲリョス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Farmer

The fields all around the town are getting torn to shreds by a gigantic bird- like monster with poison. Exterminate it for us!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪12%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Basarios: Unseen Peril見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Upset Hunter

The area was totally barren, but then I was attacked out of the blue! It had to have been a wyvern. Slay it for me!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石115%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】242%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石33%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】13%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石24%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石41%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Iron Ore鉄鉱石825%
Basarios Shell岩竜の甲殻175%

Attack of the Rathian激闘!雌火竜リオレイア

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

Requestor: Caravan Leader

My caravan was wiped out by a she-wyvern. I'll pay you whatever you ask to destroy the foul creature! You are our last hope!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Desert砂漠に舞う女王

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

Requestor: Young Hunter

A fire-breathing she-wyvern I was chasing nearly burned me to a crisp in the desert! Please hunt this Rathian down and kill it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 180z
Reward:報酬金: 4,400z

Requestor: The Kindly Lord

I request the assistance of any and all hunters to find and destroy the Rathalos that has appeared near here. Reward offered.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Quest Level Lv3★ 9-12

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 180z
Reward:報酬金: 4,400z

Requestor: The Kindly Lord

I request the assistance of any and all hunters to find and destroy the Rathalos that has appeared near here. Reward offered.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Wyvern Egg Hunt飛竜の卵、奪取作戦!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

Requestor: Royal Chef

Ever eaten a Wyvern Egg? I made a dish with them, and it was a big hit with everyone! I'd like you to deliver 3 of the eggs!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Power Seed怪力の種125%
Armor Seed忍耐の種125%
Egg Ticketたまご券11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Bring us Powderstone!火薬岩を持ちかえれ! *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 3 Powderstones目的: 火薬岩3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

Requestor: Fort Guard

We have a Great Cannon here for wyverns, but we need Powderstone to make ammo for it. Please deliver 3 Powderstones.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Fire Herb火薬草135%
Fire Herb火薬草225%
Fire Herb火薬草32%
Fire Herb火薬草415%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gravios's chest D*
Gravios Shell鎧竜の甲殻175%
Sleep Sac睡眠袋125%

Ioprey Huntingイーオス討伐作戦 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 20 Ioprey目的: イーオス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

Requestor: Mine Owner

We encountered a huge Ioprey nest in a deep tunnel! We can't continue working unless you kill 20 of them for us!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Iodrome!ドスイーオスを狩れ! *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,400z

Requestor: Jungle Master

A pack of monsters headed by 3 Iodrome is causing trouble around here. Can you defeat the Iodrome to help us out?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Leaders of the Iopreyイーオスたちの親玉

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 2,600z

Requestor: Expert Hunter

I've been fighting Iodrome, but I had to retreat with just 3 of them left! The credit's yours if you can take them out for me.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Oasis Town Chief

A villager was tracking a pack of monsters, but lost sight of them in the desert. Please find the leader of the pack and kill it for us.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basarios: Invisible Terror姿なき飛竜、バサルモス!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Upset Hunter

The area was totally barren, but then I was attacked out of the blue! It had to have been a wyvern. Slay it for me!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石115%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】242%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石33%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】13%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石41%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Iron Ore鉄鉱石1225%
Basarios Shell岩竜の甲殻175%

Queen of the Jungleジャングルの女王 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Influential Noble

I have traveled far to find a hunter capable of ridding my lands of a troublesome wyvern. Please defeat the Rathian for us.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathian!雌火竜リオレイアを倒せ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Charitable Man

The monsters in the swamp zone are out of control, the Rathian in particular. I want you to hunt one down. Casualties are spiraling!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙62%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

The Shadow in the Cave洞窟に潜む影 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Requestor: Old Geologist

We were exploring a cave near here, but stumbled on this disgusting blob-like monster! Get rid of it and save our research!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern in the Darkness闇の中の飛竜 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Requestor: Jungle Chief

Long have my people spoken of a wyvern in the cave in the jungle, capable of attacking with electricity. Please destroy it for us!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Water Wyvern in the Jungle密林の水竜

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Proud Hunter

I found a water-dwelling wyvern in the jungle! I tried taking it out, but water's my weak spot. Can you hunt it down for me?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 4,400z

Requestor: Border Captain

A giant wyvern smashed the border-wall and ran into this area. We need to find and kill it before it causes any more trouble!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Fearsome Gravios脅威!鎧竜グラビモス *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 4,800z

Requestor: The Just Lord

A heavily armored, heat- breathing wyvern has been seen in the swamp. Rid the area of it and I will reward you well.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Volcanic Valor火山地帯の激闘

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Requestor: Volcano Townsman

The volcano's activity has stirred up the monsters. Heavily armored wyverns have been attacking us. Can you help us out?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Catch a Yian Kut-Kuイャンクックを捕まえろ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Devious Merchant

I need a Yian Kut-Ku, and I'm selling it, so I need it alive. Believe me, I pay well. Need I say any more?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Catch a Gypcerosゲリョス捕獲指令 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Capture the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

Requestor: Defense Minister

We are attempting to make a weapon from the poison of the Gypceros. As such, I would like you to capture one and bring it to me.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Get me a Live Khezu!フルフルを生け捕りにせよ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Capture the Khezu目的: フルフルの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

Requestor: Scientist & Team

The monsters known as Khezu have some very unique properties. We need one alive for further research!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Bring me a Plesioth!ガノトトスを捕まえろ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Capture the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

I've traveled the world in search of the delicacy known as Piscine Wyvern sushi! I simply MUST try it! Please bring one here alive!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Catch a Rathalosリオレウス捕獲大作戦

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Requestor: Selfish Princess

I'm keeping that wyvern as a pet! So hands off! Now I want a male wyvern. And I want it ALIVE. OK?

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍の侵攻

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンから砦を守れ

Time Limit:時間制限: 35min
Fee:契約金: 1,580z
Reward:報酬金: 12,400z

Requestor: Loyal Minister

A giant dragon has attacked our fort! If it falls, so too do our lands! Use the fort's weaponry to put an end to the beast!

Hunters must be HR9 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗125%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻125%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗12%
Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の大爪14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%

Quest Level Lv4★ 13-16

It's Party Time!パーティを成功させろ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 10 pieces of Raw Meat目的: 生肉10個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

Requestor: Party Organizer

We're throwing a party at his lordship's home, but didn't order enough food! Can you bring us 10 pieces of Raw Meat right away?

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Sap Plantネンチャク草229%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗215%
Mosswine Hideモスの苔皮14%
Power Seed怪力の種11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石570%

Show me your Cooking Skills!料理の腕を披露せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 15 Well-Done Steaks目的: こんがり肉15個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Requestor: Jungle Explorer

Our expedition got lost. I made it out, but the team is totally out of supplies! Please deliver 15 Well-Done Steaks for them!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Mushroom Picking森のキノコ狩り

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 15 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ15本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,000z

Requestor: Happy Peddler

The Special Mushrooms around here sell for a fortune down south! I'd like you to pick 15 of them from the forest. I pay well. Whaddya say?

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Mushroom Hunt!特産キノコ捜索網!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 20 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ20本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

My doggie just looooves Special Mushrooms! I'd like you to bring me 20 of them. Please don't disappoint my precious little doggie!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Sculptor's Errand彫刻家への届けもの

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 12 Kelbi Horns目的: ケルビの角12本を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Requestor: The Old Sculptor

I make art using monster tusks and horns. Can you get me 12 Kelbi Horns? They're those deer-like monsters in the forest.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Panning for Goldenfish幻の黄金魚を探せ! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 5 Goldenfish目的: 黄金魚5匹を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: The Collector

I'd do anything to get my hands on some legendary Goldenfish! I'm begging you to bring me 5 of them! Please!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Bomb Arowanaバクレツアロワナ28%
Pin Tunaハリマグロ102%
Burst Arowanaハレツアロワナ52%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻125%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%

Crystal Hunting!クリスタルハンティング! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 3 pieces of Quartz Ore目的: 白水晶の原石3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Requestor: Gem Dealer

I heard a rumor that a vein of White Quartz has been discovered. To confirm it, I need 3 pieces of Quartz Ore.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Lady Gourmet幻の珍味を追え! *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 10 Piscine Livers目的: 魚竜のキモ10個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Requestor: The Lady Gourmet

I travel the world for new tastes and flavors. Now I want to try the liver of a Piscine Wyvern. Please bring me 10 of these livers!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Giant Bugs巨大昆虫、大発生! *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 50 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ50匹の退治

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,600z

Requestor: Landowner

My plantation's under attack by giant bugs! They nest in the jungle, in a swarm of about 50. Take care of them for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Velociprey Huntランポス討伐作戦!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 20 Velociprey目的: ランポス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

Requestor: Town Guard

There's a group of 20 or so Velociprey in the forest attacking travelers. I want you to hunt them down and get rid of them.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮325%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】125%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙1225%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗32%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙244%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙331%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻125%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%

The Velociprey Lordsランポスたちの親玉 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,200z

Requestor: Town Guard

There are 3 alpha Velociprey that seem to be guiding the rest. They're too large for us to handle. Can you get rid of them?

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙242%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗42%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】242%
Velocidrome Headドスランポスの頭14%
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻125%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%

Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Requestor: Jungle Envoy

I want you to hunt and kill the giant bird-like monster that has appeared in our jungle. It's wreaking havoc on our environment!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku怪鳥イャンクック襲来! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

Requestor: Novice Hunter

That Yian Kut-Ku really made mincemeat out of me! It's out of my league, so I want you to hunt it down for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basarios: Unseen Peril見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Upset Hunter

The area was totally barren, but then I was attacked out of the blue! It had to have been a wyvern. Slay it for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Dragonite Oreドラグライト鉱石11%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2425%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石225%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石825%
Poison Sac毒袋11%
Union Oreユニオン鉱石15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Iron Ore鉄鉱石1625%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石475%

Quest Level Lv5★ 17-18

Basarios: Unseen Peril見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Upset Hunter

The area was totally barren, but then I was attacked out of the blue! It had to have been a wyvern. Slay it for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Dragonite Oreドラグライト鉱石11%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2425%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石225%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石825%
Poison Sac毒袋11%
Union Oreユニオン鉱石15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Iron Ore鉄鉱石1625%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石475%

More Coal Please燃石炭採掘指令

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 15 pieces of Coal目的: 燃石炭15個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Requestor: Fort Guard

We need Coal to power our spear cannon. It can be found in the jungle. The more fuel the better, so please bring us 15 pieces!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Re-Supply the Dragonator最終兵器の燃料調達 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 15 pieces of Coal目的: 燃石炭15個を納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Requestor: Fort Guard

We have installed a steam- powered spear cannon to repel monsters, but we need Coal to power it! Please bring us 15 pieces of it.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quartz Ore Request白水晶の原石を採掘せよ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 3 pieces of Quartz Ore目的: 白水晶の原石3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

Requestor: Greedy Merchant

I never get sick of gems! I hear that White Quartz crystals can be found around here. Bring me 3 pieces of Quartz Ore for a reward.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Raid the Wyvern's Nest潜入!飛竜の巣 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

Requestor: Royal Chef

Ever eaten a Wyvern Egg? They're a delicacy only found inside wyvern nests. Bring me 3 of the eggs, and I'll pay you handsomely.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート16%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Apceros Egg Hunt草食竜の卵を回収せよ!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs目的: 草食竜の卵3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Requestor: Famous Scholar

I am studying the ecology of the Apceros. I need 3 eggs for my research, but I am too weak to get them! Can you bring them to me?

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券15%
Cactus Flowerサボテンの花225%
Unknown Skullなぞの頭骨11%
Master's Skull達人のドクロ11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break both of Diablos's horns D*
Twisted Hornねじれた角170%
Majestic Horn上質なねじれた角130%

Trouble in the Swamp森の中の異変

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 15 Bullfango目的: ブルファンゴ15頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,600z

Requestor: Swamp Miner

The swamp animals have been unruly lately, especially the Bullfango. I've been asked to hunt down 15 of them. Can you help me out?

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Genprey!ゲネポス討伐作戦!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 20 Genprey目的: ゲネポス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,600z

Requestor: Injured Soldier

I'm too injured to go on. I'd like you to find and kill 20 Genprey in the desert for me. Watch out, they can paralyze you...!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gendrome!ドスゲネポスを狩れ! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,400z

Requestor: Ambitious Noble

My caravans are being hit by Genprey. 3 Gendrome are leading the pack. Kill them and make the roads safe again for all!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Leaders of the Genpreyゲネポスたちの親玉 *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 2,600z

Requestor: Desert Lord

A pack of monsters led by 3 Gendrome is causing trouble for us. Please hunt down and slay the 3 Gendrome.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Burrowing Monster砂の海を泳ぐ者 *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

Requestor: Oasis Town Chief

A villager was tracking a pack of monsters, but lost sight of them in the desert. Please find the leader of the pack and kill it for us.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Gypceros in the Swamp湿地帯の毒怪鳥 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Good Hunter

I thought I was doing well against that creature in the swamp zone, but it was just playing dead! Hunt it down for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Gypceros: Venomous Terror毒の怪鳥、ゲリョス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Farmer

The fields all around the town are getting torn to shreds by a gigantic bird- like monster with poison. Exterminate it for us!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!ゲリョスを討伐せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

Requestor: Guarded Merchant

I saw a gigantic bird-like monster deep in the jungle! I can't do business with a thing like that in there! Please find it and kill it!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Rathian激闘!雌火竜リオレイア

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Requestor: Caravan Leader

My caravan was wiped out by a she-wyvern. I'll pay you whatever you ask to destroy the foul creature! You are our last hope!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】12%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Desert砂漠に舞う女王 *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Requestor: Young Hunter

A fire-breathing she-wyvern I was chasing nearly burned me to a crisp in the desert! Please hunt this Rathian down and kill it!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】12%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Four Horns4本の角

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 2 Diablos目的: 黒ディアブロス2頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 9,800z

Requestor: Lovely Princess

I simply can't bear to think about the terror and pain those Diablos are causing my people. Hunt down 2 Diablos for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv6★ 19-20

Four Horns4本の角

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 2 Diablos目的: 黒ディアブロス2頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 9,800z

Requestor: Lovely Princess

I simply can't bear to think about the terror and pain those Diablos are causing my people. Hunt down 2 Diablos for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern Egg Hunt飛竜の卵、奪取作戦!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 980z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Requestor: Royal Chef

Ever eaten a Wyvern Egg? I made a dish with them, and it was a big hit with everyone! I'd like you to deliver 3 of the eggs!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート16%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Bring us Powderstone!火薬岩を持ちかえれ! *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 3 Powderstones目的: 火薬岩3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Fort Guard

We have a Great Cannon here for wyverns, but we need Powderstone to make ammo for it. Please deliver 3 Powderstones.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gravios's chest D*
Gravios Shell鎧竜の甲殻175%
Gravios Carapace鎧竜の堅殻125%

Bring us Powderstone!火薬岩を持ちかえれ! *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 3 Powderstones目的: 火薬岩3つを納品

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 1,120z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Requestor: Fort Guard

Please bring us 3 Powderstones. We need them to make ammo for our Great Cannon. Then we'll teach those wyverns a few tricks!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Ioprey Huntingイーオス討伐作戦

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 20 Ioprey目的: イーオス20頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,800z

Requestor: Mine Owner

We encountered a huge Ioprey nest in a deep tunnel! We can't continue working unless you kill 20 of them for us!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Iodrome!ドスイーオスを狩れ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Jungle Master

A pack of monsters headed by 3 Iodrome is causing trouble around here. Can you defeat the Iodrome to help us out?

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Leaders of the Iopreyイーオスたちの親玉 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Requestor: Expert Hunter

I've been fighting Iodrome, but I had to retreat with just 3 of them left! The credit's yours if you can take them out for me.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Burrowing Monster地中からの刺客

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Oasis Town Chief

A villager was tracking a pack of monsters, but lost sight of them in the desert. Please find the leader of the pack and kill it for us.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basarios: Invisible Terror荒野の中の動く岩

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Upset Hunter

The area was totally barren, but then I was attacked out of the blue! It had to have been a wyvern. Slay it for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Union Oreユニオン鉱石11%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2425%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石225%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石825%
Poison Sac毒袋11%
Dragonite Oreドラグライト鉱石25%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Iron Ore鉄鉱石2025%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石475%

Queen of the Jungleジャングルの女王

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,400z

Requestor: Influential Noble

I have traveled far to find a hunter capable of ridding my lands of a troublesome wyvern. Please defeat the Rathian for us.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】12%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathian!雌火竜リオレイアを倒せ! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,400z

Requestor: Charitable Man

The monsters in the swamp zone are out of control, the Rathian in particular. I want you to hunt one down. Casualties are spiraling!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】12%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Requestor: The Kindly Lord

I request the assistance of any and all hunters to find and destroy the Rathalos that has appeared near here. Reward offered.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】12%
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼14%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

The Shadow in the Cave洞窟に潜む影

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Requestor: Old Geologist

We were exploring a cave near here, but stumbled on this disgusting blob-like monster! Get rid of it and save our research!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern in the Darkness闇の中の飛竜 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Requestor: Jungle Chief

Long have my people spoken of a wyvern in the cave in the jungle, capable of attacking with electricity. Please destroy it for us!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Water Wyvern in the Jungle密林の水竜 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Requestor: Proud Hunter

I found a water-dwelling wyvern in the jungle! I tried taking it out, but water's my weak spot. Can you hunt it down for me?

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Requestor: Border Captain

A giant wyvern smashed the border-wall and ran into this area. We need to find and kill it before it causes any more trouble!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Diablos Shell角竜の甲殻11%
Blos Jaw角竜の顎12%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】242%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Blos Fang角竜の牙12%
Diablos Spine角竜の背甲15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break both of Diablos's horns D*
Twisted Hornねじれた角170%
Majestic Horn上質なねじれた角130%

The Fearsome Gravios脅威!鎧竜グラビモス

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 7,000z

Requestor: The Just Lord

A heavily armored, heat- breathing wyvern has been seen in the swamp. Rid the area of it and I will reward you well.

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Volcanic Valor火山地帯の激闘 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 7,400z

Requestor: Volcano Townsman

The volcano's activity has stirred up the monsters. Heavily armored wyverns have been attacking us. Can you help us out?

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Two Rock Wyverns2頭の岩竜

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 2 Basarios目的: バサルモス2頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 7,500z

Requestor: Mine Owner

Our digging has all but stopped! Tough Rock Wyverns have taken over the mine! Please hunt down and kill 2 of them!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Union Oreユニオン鉱石11%
Lg Bone Huskカラ骨【大】2415%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石23%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石102%
Poison Sac毒袋115%
Dragonite Oreドラグライト鉱石21%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Dragonite Oreドラグライト鉱石150%
Union Oreユニオン鉱石150%

A Troublesome Pair一対の巨影

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay Rathalos and Rathian目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 8,400z

Requestor: Brave Prince

A Rathalos and Rathian have paired up and are ravaging my country! My father won't let me go, so please kill them for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄15%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗12%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻115%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗12%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻115%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘31%
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾11%
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪225%

Wyverns of Land and Sky空の飛竜と陸の飛竜 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay Rathalos and Rathian目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 8,800z

Requestor: Wise Queen

A pair of wyverns have been seen in the jungle zone. They may attack at any moment. Brave hunters, slay both of them for me!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼15%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗12%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻115%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗12%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻115%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘31%
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾11%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪225%

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍の侵攻

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンから砦を守れ

Time Limit:時間制限: 35min
Fee:契約金: 4,600z
Reward:報酬金: 24,000z

Requestor: Loyal Minister

A giant dragon has attacked our fort again! Use the fort's weaponry to slay the beast and save our great nation!

Hunters must be HR17 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲125%
Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の大爪12%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗13%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻124%
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲21%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻125%
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲149%
Lao-Shan Plate老山龍の逆鱗11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗110%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻110%
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲180%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗110%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻110%
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲180%

Urgent Quests緊急

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍の侵攻

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンから砦を守れ

Time Limit:時間制限: 35min
Fee:契約金: 4,600z
Reward:報酬金: 24,000z

Requestor: Loyal Minister

A giant dragon has attacked our fort again! Use the fort's weaponry to slay the beast and save our great nation!

Hunters must be HR17 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲125%
Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の大爪12%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗13%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻124%
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲21%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻125%
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲149%
Lao-Shan Plate老山龍の逆鱗11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗110%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻110%
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲180%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗110%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻110%
Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の背甲180%

The Legendary Black Dragon (1)伝説の黒龍 1

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Damage Fatalis as much as you can to drive him away目的: できる限りミラボレアスにダメージを与え撃退しろ

Time Limit:時間制限: 15min
Fee:契約金: 1,600z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Requestor: Beloved King

With this money, we can repair the Ballista! I hear there is ammunition for it in the arsenal--put it to good use in your battle!

Hunters must be HR17 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Legendary Black Dragon (2)伝説の黒龍 2

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Damage Fatalis as much as you can to drive him away目的: できる限りミラボレアスにダメージを与え撃退しろ

Time Limit:時間制限: 15min
Fee:契約金: 2,200z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Requestor: Beloved King

With this money we can rebuild the Castle Gate and crush the black dragon! Use both this and the Ballista in your battle!

Hunters must be HR17 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Legendary Black Dragon (3)伝説の黒龍 3

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Damage Fatalis as much as you can to drive him away目的: できる限りミラボレアスにダメージを与え撃退しろ

Time Limit:時間制限: 15min
Fee:契約金: 2,400z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Requestor: Beloved King

We have repaired the Great Cannon for use against the black dragon. Ammo is in the arsenal. Use it, the Castle Gate, and the Ballista!

Hunters must be HR17 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Legendary Black Dragon (4)伝説の黒龍 4

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Damage Fatalis as much as you can to drive him away目的: できる限りミラボレアスにダメージを与え撃退しろ

Time Limit:時間制限: 15min
Fee:契約金: 2,800z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Requestor: Beloved King

Now we can repair the steam-driven Dragonator spear cannon. You have one shot, so aim well! And use our other weaponry as well!

Hunters must be HR17 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv1★ 1-4

Mushroom Picking森のキノコ狩り

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 15 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ15本を納品

Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Blue Mushroomアオキノコ124%
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

The Sculptor's Errand彫刻家への届けもの *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 12 Kelbi Horns目的: ケルビの角12本を納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

It's Party Time!パーティを成功させろ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 10 pieces of Raw Meat目的: 生肉10個を納品

Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Sap Plantネンチャク草129%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗115%
Power Seed怪力の種14%
Power Seed怪力の種11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku怪鳥イャンクック襲来! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Velociprey Huntランポス討伐作戦! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 20 Velociprey目的: ランポス20頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮225%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】125%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙625%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗220%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙124%
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙241%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%

The Velociprey Lordsランポスたちの親玉

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙1220%
Velociprey Hideランポスの皮320%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗320%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】1220%
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%

Liver of Legend!幻の珍味を追え!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 10 Piscine Livers目的: 魚竜のキモ10個を納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Crystal Hunting!クリスタルハンティング! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 3 Sootstone Ore目的: 白水晶の原石3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Jewel Ticket宝石券14%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石125%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石425%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶125%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶220%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Panning for Goldenfish幻の黄金魚を探せ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 5 Goldenfish目的: 黄金魚5匹を納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Bomb Arowanaバクレツアロワナ28%
Pin Tunaハリマグロ1020%
Burst Arowanaハレツアロワナ520%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗175%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪125%

Attack of the Giant Bugs巨大昆虫、大発生!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 50 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ50匹の退治

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Mushroom Hunt!特産キノコ捜索網! *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 20 Special Mushrooms目的: 特産キノコ20本を納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Blue Mushroomアオキノコ124%
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ14%
Dragon Toadstoolマンドラゴラ11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Show me your Cooking Skills!料理の腕を披露せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 15 Well-Done Steaks目的: こんがり肉15個を納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!毒の怪鳥、ゲリョス現る!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪120%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Quest Level Lv2★ 5-8

Slay the Gypceros!毒の怪鳥、ゲリョス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪120%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Raid the Wyvern's Nest潜入!飛竜の巣 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 180z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券11%
Power Seed怪力の種125%
Armor Seed忍耐の種125%
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Attack of the Rathian激闘!雌火竜リオレイア

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Desert砂漠に舞う女王

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

The Land Shark大地を泳ぐモンスター *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Genprey!ゲネポス討伐作戦! *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 20 Genprey目的: ゲネポス20頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Leaders of the Genpreyゲネポスたちの親玉

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 2,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Apceros Egg Hunt草食竜の卵を回収せよ!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs目的: 草食竜の卵3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 180z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Cactus Flowerサボテンの花125%
Power Seed怪力の種125%
Armor Seed忍耐の種125%
Unknown Skullなぞの頭骨120%
Unknown Skullなぞの頭骨11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break both of Diablos's horns D*
Twisted Hornねじれた角195%
Majestic Horn上質なねじれた角15%

Trouble in the Swamp湿地帯の異変 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 15 Bullfango目的: ブルファンゴ15頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Bullfango Peltファンゴの毛皮215%
Antidote Herbげどく草325%
Sap Plantネンチャク草325%
Bullfango Peltファンゴの毛皮130%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Gypceros in the Swamp湿地帯の毒怪鳥

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪120%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

Get me Sootstone Ore!灰水晶の原石を採掘せよ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 3 Sootstone Ore目的: 白水晶の原石3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Jewel Ticket宝石券14%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石125%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石425%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶125%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶220%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Iron Ore鉄鉱石875%
Basarios Shell岩竜の甲殻125%

Slay the Gendrome!ドスゲネポスを狩れ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 150z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Genprey Hideゲネポスの皮320%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】120%
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙420%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】1220%
Genprey Scaleゲネポスの鱗315%
Genprey Fangゲネポスの麻痺牙104%
Paralysis Sac強力麻痺袋11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗175%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪125%

Re-Supply the Dragonator最終兵器の燃料調達

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 15 pieces of Coal目的: 燃石炭15個を納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石11%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石124%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石225%
Earth Crystal大地の結晶225%
Disk Stone円盤石320%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石24%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石41%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gravios's chest D*
Gravios Shell鎧竜の甲殻175%
Sleep Sac睡眠袋125%

Basarios: Unseen Peril見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石115%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2420%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石330%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】130%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石24%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石41%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Basarios Shell岩竜の甲殻175%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石825%

Slay the Gypceros!ゲリョスを討伐せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rubbery Hideゴム質の皮11%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】124%
Sm Monster Bone竜骨【小】525%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙325%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪120%
Poison Sac毒袋14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*

More Coal Please燃石炭採掘指令 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 15 pieces of Coal目的: 燃石炭15個を納品

Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Capture the Yian Kut-Ku!イャンクックを捕まえろ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 180z
Reward:報酬金: 4,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Quest Level Lv3★ 9-12

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 180z
Reward:報酬金: 4,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Rathalos Webbing火竜の翼膜15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 4,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Shadow in the Cave洞窟に潜む影 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Fearsome Gravios脅威!鎧竜グラビモス *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 4,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Rathian!雌火竜リオレイアを倒せ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Volcanic Valor火山地帯の激闘

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Ioprey Huntingイーオス討伐作戦 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 20 Ioprey目的: イーオス20頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 1,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Leaders of the Iopreyイーオスたちの親玉

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 2,600z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Bring us Powderstone!火薬岩を持ちかえれ! *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 3 Powderstone目的: 火薬岩3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern in the Darkness闇の中の飛竜 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Iodrome!ドスイーオスを狩れ! *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Water Wyvern in the Jungle密林の水竜

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern Egg Hunt飛竜の卵、奪取作戦!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Power Seed怪力の種125%
Armor Seed忍耐の種125%
Egg Ticketたまご券11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Jungleジャングルの女王 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗15%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】125%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%
Flame Sac火炎袋15%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙620%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】119%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Catch a Rathalosリオレウス捕獲大作戦

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Catch a Gypcerosゲリョス捕獲指令 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Capture the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Get me a Live Khezu!フルフルを生け捕りにせよ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Capture the Khezu目的: フルフルの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Bring me a Plesioth!ガノトトスを捕まえろ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Capture the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍の侵攻

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンから砦を守れ

Fee:契約金: 1,580z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Hunters must be HR9 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗125%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻125%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗120%
Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の大爪14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%

Quest Level Lv4★ 13-16

Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku怪鳥イャンクック襲来!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern Egg Hunt飛竜の卵、奪取作戦!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券14%
Mega Nutrients栄養剤グレート16%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

The Velociprey Lordsランポスたちの親玉

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 3 Velocidrome目的: ドスランポス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Velociprey Fangランポスの牙2420%
Velociprey Scaleランポスの鱗420%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2420%
Velocidrome Headドスランポスの頭14%
Velocidrome Clawドスランポスの爪11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%

Raid the Wyvern's Nest潜入!飛竜の巣 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver 3 Wyvern Eggs目的: 飛竜の卵3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,400z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Rathian激闘!雌火竜リオレイア *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】120%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Liver of Legend!幻の珍味を追え! *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 10 Piscine Livers目的: 魚竜のキモ10個を納品

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Queen of the Desert砂漠に舞う女王

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】120%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

The Land Shark砂の海を泳ぐ者 *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Apceros Egg Hunt草食竜の卵を回収せよ!

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Deliver 3 Herbivore Eggs目的: 草食竜の卵3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Egg Ticketたまご券15%
Cactus Flowerサボテンの花225%
Unknown Skullなぞの頭骨110%
Master's Skull達人のドクロ110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break both of Diablos's horns D*
Twisted Hornねじれた角192%
Majestic Horn上質なねじれた角18%

Panning for Goldenfish幻の黄金魚を探せ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 5 Goldenfish目的: 黄金魚5匹を納品

Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,600z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Bomb Arowanaバクレツアロワナ28%
Pin Tunaハリマグロ1020%
Burst Arowanaハレツアロワナ520%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗175%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Wyvern Claw竜の爪375%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪125%

Gypceros in the Swamp湿地帯の毒怪鳥 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Crystal Hunting!白水晶の原石を採掘せよ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 3 Quartz Ore目的: 白水晶の原石3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 980z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gendrome!ドスゲネポスを狩れ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 3 Gendrome目的: ドスゲネポス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,400z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Rathian!雌火竜リオレイアを倒せ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,400z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】120%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Attack of the Giant Bugs巨大昆虫、大発生!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 50 Vespoid目的: ランゴスタ50匹の退治

Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 1,600z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,800z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!ゲリョスを討伐せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Capture the Yian Kut-Ku!イャンクックを捕まえろ! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Bring me a Plesioth!ガノトトスを捕まえろ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Capture the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Four Horns4本の角

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 2 Diablos目的: 黒ディアブロス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 9,800z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv5★ 17-20

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1025%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪524%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】120%
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼14%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻174%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
Rathalos Plate火竜の逆鱗11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Azure Rathalos目的: 蒼リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪524%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】120%
Azure Rathalos Wing蒼火竜の翼14%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄12%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's head D*
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻174%
Azure Rathalos Scale蒼火竜の鱗125%
Azure Rathalos Plate蒼火竜の逆鱗11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's wings D*
Azure Rathalos Claw蒼火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Diablos Shell角竜の甲殻110%
Blos Jaw角竜の顎120%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2420%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Blos Fang角竜の牙120%
Diablos Spine角竜の背甲15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break both of Diablos's horns D*
Twisted Hornねじれた角188%
Majestic Horn上質なねじれた角112%

Quartz Ore Requestクリスタルハンティング!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Deliver 3 Quartz Ore目的: 白水晶の原石3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Fearsome Gravios脅威!鎧竜グラビモス *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 7,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basarios: Unseen Peril見えざる飛竜、バサルモス!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Dragonite Oreドラグライト鉱石110%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2425%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石225%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石825%
Poison Sac毒袋110%
Union Oreユニオン鉱石15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石475%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石1625%

Volcanic Valor火山地帯の激闘

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 7,400z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Leaders of the Iopreyイーオスたちの親玉

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 3 Iodrome目的: ドスイーオス3頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 250z
Reward:報酬金: 3,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Bring us Powderstone!火薬岩を持ちかえれ!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 3 Powderstone目的: 火薬岩3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gravios's chest D*
Gravios Shell鎧竜の甲殻175%
Gravios Carapace鎧竜の堅殻125%

Wyvern in the Darkness闇の中の飛竜 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Water Wyvern in the Jungle密林の水竜 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 4,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Bring us Powderstone!火薬岩を持ちかえれ!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Deliver 3 Powderstone目的: 火薬岩3つを納品

Fee:契約金: 1,120z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Jungleジャングルの女王

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,400z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】120%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Jungleジャングルの女王

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian目的: 桜リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 450z
Reward:報酬金: 5,400z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】120%
Pink Rathian Spike桜火竜の棘34%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻175%
Pink Rathian Scale桜火竜の鱗125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

A Troublesome Pair一対の巨影 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathian and Rathalos目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,200z
Reward:報酬金: 8,400z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄15%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗120%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻115%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗120%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻115%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘310%
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾110%
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪225%

Four Horns4本の角

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 2 Diablos目的: 黒ディアブロス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 9,800z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Two Rock Wyverns2頭の岩竜 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 2 Basarios目的: バサルモス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,060z
Reward:報酬金: 7,500z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Union Oreユニオン鉱石110%
Lg Bone Huskカラ骨【大】2415%
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石230%
Iron Ore鉄鉱石1020%
Poison Sac毒袋115%
Dragonite Oreドラグライト鉱石210%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Basarios's chest D*
Union Oreユニオン鉱石150%
Dragonite Oreドラグライト鉱石150%

Wyverns of Land and Sky空の飛竜と陸の飛竜

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian and Rathalos目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,220z
Reward:報酬金: 8,800z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼15%
Rathian Scale雌火竜の鱗120%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻115%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗120%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻115%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘310%
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾110%
Wyvern Marrow火竜の骨髄15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻175%
Rathalos Shell火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻175%
Rathian Shell雌火竜の甲殻225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪225%

Catch a Rathalosリオレウス捕獲大作戦

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Get me a Live Khezu!フルフルを生け捕りにせよ! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Capture the Khezu目的: フルフルの捕獲

Fee:契約金: 300z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍の侵攻

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンから砦を守れ

Fee:契約金: 3,160z
Reward:報酬金: 12,400z

Hunters must be HR17 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Thoracic老山龍の堅甲125%
Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の大爪120%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗130%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻124%
Lao-Shan Thoracic老山龍の堅甲21%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Thoracic老山龍の堅甲148%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻125%
Lao-Shan Plate老山龍の逆鱗12%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Thoracic老山龍の堅甲180%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻110%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Thoracic老山龍の堅甲180%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻110%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗110%

Quest Level Lv6★ 21-23

Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku怪鳥イャンクック襲来!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 5,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Attack of the Yian Kut-Ku怪鳥イャンクック襲来!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Blue Yian Kut-Ku目的: 青イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 5,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 5,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Jungle Menace密林の大怪鳥

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Blue Yian Kut-Ku目的: 青イャンクックの討伐

Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 5,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!毒の怪鳥、ゲリョス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 6,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!毒の怪鳥、ゲリョス現る!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Purple Gypceros目的: 紫ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 6,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Gypceros in the Swamp湿地帯の毒怪鳥 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 650z
Reward:報酬金: 6,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Gypceros in the Swamp湿地帯の毒怪鳥

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Purple Gypceros目的: 紫ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 650z
Reward:報酬金: 6,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!ゲリョスを討伐せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Slay the Gypceros!ゲリョスを討伐せよ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Purple Gypceros目的: 紫ゲリョスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 6,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Plague of Yian Kut-Ku大怪鳥の異常発生!! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 2 or more Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクック2頭以上の討伐

Fee:契約金: 350z
Reward:報酬金: 1,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗324%
Kut-Ku Scale怪鳥の鱗108%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】432%
Kut-Ku Carapace怪鳥の堅殻120%
Kut-Ku Wing怪鳥の翼116%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 15 or more D*
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン825%
Splendid Beak立派なクチバシ565%
Splendid Beak立派なクチバシ810%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 12 or more D*
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン525%
Long Kut-Ku Ear怪鳥の地獄耳462%
Long Kut-Ku Ear怪鳥の地獄耳613%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 9 or more D*
Splendid Beak立派なクチバシ2100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 6 or more D*
Long Kut-Ku Ear怪鳥の地獄耳2100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 4 or more D*
Kut-Ku Wing怪鳥の翼4100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Slay 2 or more D*
Kut-Ku Carapace怪鳥の堅殻2100%

Thugs From the Ground?地中からの刺客

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 7,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Yian Kut-Ku's Pincer Attack挟撃のイャンクック! *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 2 Blue Yian Kut-Ku目的: 青イャンクック2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,160z
Reward:報酬金: 8,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Deadly Poisonous Siege猛毒の包囲網 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 2 Purple Gypceros目的: 紫ゲリョス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,200z
Reward:報酬金: 9,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Two Sand Shadows2つの砂影 *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 2 Cephadrome目的: ドスガレオス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,250z
Reward:報酬金: 10,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Thunderous Duo雷撃の二重奏

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 2 Khezu目的: 赤フルフル2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,450z
Reward:報酬金: 13,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv7★ 24-26

Attack of the Rathian激闘!雌火竜リオレイア

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 750z
Reward:報酬金: 8,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻174%
Rathian Scale+雌火竜の上鱗125%
Rathian Ruby雌火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Attack of the Rathian激闘!雌火竜リオレイア

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian目的: 桜リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 750z
Reward:報酬金: 8,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pink Rathian Carapace桜火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Pink Rathian Spike桜火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Carapace桜火竜の堅殻174%
Pink Rathian Scale+桜火竜の上鱗125%
Pink Rathian Ruby桜火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Desert砂漠に舞う女王

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 8,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻174%
Rathian Scale+雌火竜の上鱗125%
Rathian Ruby雌火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Desert砂漠に舞う女王

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian目的: 桜リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 8,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pink Rathian Carapace桜火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Pink Rathian Spike桜火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Carapace桜火竜の堅殻174%
Pink Rathian Scale+桜火竜の上鱗125%
Pink Rathian Ruby桜火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathian!雌火竜リオレイアを倒せ! *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 8,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻174%
Rathian Scale+雌火竜の上鱗125%
Rathian Ruby雌火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathian!雌火竜リオレイアを倒せ!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian目的: 桜リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 700z
Reward:報酬金: 8,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pink Rathian Carapace桜火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Pink Rathian Spike桜火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Carapace桜火竜の堅殻174%
Pink Rathian Scale+桜火竜の上鱗125%
Pink Rathian Ruby桜火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

The Shadow in the Cave洞窟に潜む影 *

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Fee:契約金: 650z
Reward:報酬金: 8,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Shadow in the Cave洞窟に潜む影

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Red Khezu目的: 赤フルフルの討伐

Fee:契約金: 650z
Reward:報酬金: 8,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern in the Darkness闇の中の飛竜

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Khezu目的: フルフルの討伐

Fee:契約金: 650z
Reward:報酬金: 8,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyvern in the Darkness闇の中の飛竜

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Red Khezu目的: 赤フルフルの討伐

Fee:契約金: 650z
Reward:報酬金: 8,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Basarios: Unseen Peril火山地帯のうごめく岩 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Basarios目的: バサルモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 6,800z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Two Rock Wyverns2頭の岩竜 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 2 Basarios目的: バサルモス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,240z
Reward:報酬金: 9,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Thunderous Duo雷撃の二重奏

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 2 Khezu目的: 赤フルフル2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,450z
Reward:報酬金: 13,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Thunderous Duo雷撃の二重奏

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay 2 Red Khezu目的: 赤フルフル2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,450z
Reward:報酬金: 13,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wyverns of Land and Sky空の飛竜と陸の飛竜 *

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathian and Rathalos目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 2,000z
Reward:報酬金: 16,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼25%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗213%
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻110%
Rathalos Scale+火竜の上鱗212%
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻110%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨215%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】110%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘310%
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾15%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻174%
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻225%
Rathalos Ruby火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪275%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻174%
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻225%
Rathian Ruby雌火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪275%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪125%

Azure and Pink蒼と桜

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos目的: 桜リオレイア、蒼リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 3,200z
Reward:報酬金: 18,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv8★ 27-30

Queen of the Jungleジャングルの女王 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Rathian目的: リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 8,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1224%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪725%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻174%
Rathian Scale+雌火竜の上鱗125%
Rathian Ruby雌火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Jungleジャングルの女王

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian目的: 桜リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 8,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pink Rathian Carapace桜火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Pink Rathian Spike桜火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Carapace桜火竜の堅殻174%
Pink Rathian Scale+桜火竜の上鱗125%
Pink Rathian Ruby桜火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Queen of the Jungleジャングルの女王

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Gold Rathian目的: 金リオレイアの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 8,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Gold Rathian Shell金火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Gold Rathian Spike金火竜の棘34%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gold Rathian's head D*
Gold Rathian Shell金火竜の甲殻174%
Gold Rathian Scale金火竜の鱗125%
Gold Rathian Ruby金火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gold Rathian's wings D*
Gold Rathian Claw金火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,000z
Reward:報酬金: 9,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1224%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪825%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼14%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻174%
Rathalos Scale+火竜の上鱗125%
Rathalos Ruby火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Azure Rathalos目的: 蒼リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,000z
Reward:報酬金: 9,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Azure Rathalos Carapace蒼火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Azure Rathalos Wing蒼火竜の翼14%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's head D*
Azure Rathalos Carapace蒼火竜の堅殻174%
Azure Rathalos Scale+蒼火竜の上鱗125%
Azure Rathalos Ruby蒼火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's wings D*
Azure Rathalos Claw蒼火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Slay the Rathalos!リオレウス討伐指令

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Silver Rathalos目的: 銀リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,000z
Reward:報酬金: 9,200z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Silver Rathalos Shell銀火竜の甲殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Silver Rathalos Wing銀火竜の翼14%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Silver Rathalos's head D*
Silver Rathalos Shell銀火竜の甲殻174%
Silver Rathalos Scale銀火竜の鱗125%
Silver Rathalos Ruby銀火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Silver Rathalos's wings D*
Silver Rathalos Claw銀火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Eruption-clad King噴煙まとう王者 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Rathalos目的: リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼14%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻174%
Rathalos Scale+火竜の上鱗125%
Rathalos Ruby火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Eruption-clad King噴煙まとう王者

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Azure Rathalos目的: 蒼リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Azure Rathalos Carapace蒼火竜の堅殻11%
Wyvern Fang竜の牙1024%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪525%
Med Monster Bone竜骨【中】225%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨120%
Azure Rathalos Wing蒼火竜の翼14%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's head D*
Azure Rathalos Carapace蒼火竜の堅殻174%
Azure Rathalos Scale+蒼火竜の上鱗125%
Azure Rathalos Ruby蒼火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's wings D*
Azure Rathalos Claw蒼火竜の翼爪175%
Wyvern Claw竜の爪325%

Water Wyvern in the Jungle密林の水竜

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Plesioth目的: ガノトトスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 750z
Reward:報酬金: 7,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Water Wyvern in the Jungle密林の水竜

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Green Plesioth目的: 翠ガノトトスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 750z
Reward:報酬金: 7,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,050z
Reward:報酬金: 10,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Diablos Carapace角竜の堅殻110%
Blos Jaw角竜の顎120%
Sm Bone Huskカラ骨【小】2420%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨225%
Blos Fang角竜の牙120%
Diablos Thoracic角竜の堅甲15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break both of Diablos's horns D*
Majestic Horn上質なねじれた角188%
Solid Blos Horn堅牢なねじれた角112%

The Runaway Diablos死闘!角竜ディアブロス

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Black Diablos目的: 黒ディアブロスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,050z
Reward:報酬金: 10,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Volcanic Valor火山地帯の激闘 *

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,100z
Reward:報酬金: 10,800z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Volcanic Valor火山地帯の激闘

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Black Gravios目的: 黒グラビモスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,100z
Reward:報酬金: 10,800z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Four Horns4本の角 *

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay 2 Black Diablos目的: 黒ディアブロス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 2,100z
Reward:報酬金: 18,000z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Burning Twins灼熱の双璧

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay 2 Black Gravios目的: 黒グラビモス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 2,250z
Reward:報酬金: 19,600z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Twin Piscine Wyverns双魚竜 *

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay 2 Green Plesioth目的: 翠ガノトトス2頭の討伐

Fee:契約金: 1,600z
Reward:報酬金: 14,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wrath of Heaven and Earth天と地の怒り

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Rathian and Rathalos目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 3,200z
Reward:報酬金: 18,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Rathalos Wing火竜の翼25%
Rathalos Scale火竜の鱗213%
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻110%
Rathalos Scale+火竜の上鱗212%
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻110%
Hard Monster Bone堅竜骨215%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】110%
Rathian Spike雌火竜の棘310%
Rathalos Tail火竜の尻尾15%
Rath Medulla火竜の延髄110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's head D*
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻274%
Rathalos Carapace火竜の堅殻125%
Rathalos Ruby火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathalos's wings D*
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪275%
Rathalos Claw火竜の翼爪125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's head D*
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻274%
Rathian Carapace雌火竜の堅殻125%
Rathian Ruby雌火竜の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Rathian's wings D*
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪275%
Rathian Claw雌火竜の翼爪125%

Azure and Pink蒼と桜

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos目的: 桜リオレイア、蒼リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 3,200z
Reward:報酬金: 18,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Wrath of Heaven and Earth天と地の怒り

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Gold Rathian and Silver Rathalos目的: 金リオレイアと銀リオレウスの討伐

Fee:契約金: 3,200z
Reward:報酬金: 18,400z

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍の侵攻

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Ashen Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロン亜種から砦を守れ

Fee:契約金: 4,800z
Reward:報酬金: 24,000z

Hunters must be HR27 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Heavy Shell老山龍の重甲11%
Lao-Shan Scale+老山龍の上鱗130%
Lao-Shan Carapace老山龍の堅殻126%
Lao-Shan Ruby老山龍の紅玉11%
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗110%
Azure Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の蒼大爪110%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻110%
Lao-Shan Plate老山龍の逆鱗15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角199%
Lao-Shan Ruby老山龍の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's head D*
Ancient Stone太古の塊125%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's back D*
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻160%
Lao-Shan Carapace老山龍の堅殻125%
Ancient Stone太古の塊115%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Heavy Shell老山龍の重甲180%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻110%
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Heavy Shell老山龍の重甲180%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻110%
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗110%

Urgent Quests緊急

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍の侵攻

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Ashen Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロン亜種から砦を守れ

Fee:契約金: 4,800z
Reward:報酬金: 24,000z

Hunters must be HR27 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Heavy Shell老山龍の重甲11%
Lao-Shan Scale+老山龍の上鱗130%
Lao-Shan Carapace老山龍の堅殻126%
Lao-Shan Ruby老山龍の紅玉11%
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗110%
Azure Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の蒼大爪110%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻110%
Lao-Shan Plate老山龍の逆鱗15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角199%
Lao-Shan Ruby老山龍の紅玉11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's head D*
Ancient Stone太古の塊125%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's back D*
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻160%
Lao-Shan Carapace老山龍の堅殻125%
Ancient Stone太古の塊115%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Heavy Shell老山龍の重甲180%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻110%
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Heavy Shell老山龍の重甲180%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻110%
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗110%

Legendary Black Dragon (1)伝説の黒龍 1

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Damage Fatalis as much as you can to drive him away目的: できる限りミラボレアスにダメージを与え撃退しろ

Fee:契約金: 1,600z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Hunters must be HR29 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Fatalis' Wing黒龍の翼15%
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜120%
Fatalis Carapace黒龍の堅殻110%
Fatalis' Shell黒龍の甲殻117%
Fatalis' Scale+黒龍の上鱗18%
Fatalis' Scale黒龍の鱗115%
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #1 D*
Fatalis' Eye黒龍の眼182%
Fatalis Evil Eye黒龍の邪眼118%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #2 D*
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角178%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角122%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #3 D*
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角163%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #4 D*
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜163%
Fatalis Strong Wing黒龍の剛翼137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #5 D*
Fatalis' Crust黒龍の胸殻158%
Heavy Fatalis Crust黒龍の重胸殻142%

Legendary Black Dragon (2)伝説の黒龍 2

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Damage Fatalis as much as you can to drive him away目的: できる限りミラボレアスにダメージを与え撃退しろ

Fee:契約金: 2,200z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Hunters must be HR29 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Fatalis' Wing黒龍の翼15%
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜120%
Fatalis Carapace黒龍の堅殻110%
Fatalis' Shell黒龍の甲殻117%
Fatalis' Scale+黒龍の上鱗18%
Fatalis' Scale黒龍の鱗115%
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #1 D*
Fatalis' Eye黒龍の眼182%
Fatalis Evil Eye黒龍の邪眼118%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #2 D*
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角178%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角122%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #3 D*
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角163%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #4 D*
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜163%
Fatalis Strong Wing黒龍の剛翼137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #5 D*
Fatalis' Crust黒龍の胸殻158%
Heavy Fatalis Crust黒龍の重胸殻142%

Legendary Black Dragon (3)伝説の黒龍 3

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Damage Fatalis as much as you can to drive him away目的: できる限りミラボレアスにダメージを与え撃退しろ

Fee:契約金: 2,400z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Hunters must be HR29 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Fatalis' Wing黒龍の翼15%
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜120%
Fatalis Carapace黒龍の堅殻110%
Fatalis' Shell黒龍の甲殻117%
Fatalis' Scale+黒龍の上鱗18%
Fatalis' Scale黒龍の鱗115%
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #1 D*
Fatalis' Eye黒龍の眼182%
Fatalis Evil Eye黒龍の邪眼118%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #2 D*
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角178%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角122%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #3 D*
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角163%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #4 D*
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜163%
Fatalis Strong Wing黒龍の剛翼137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #5 D*
Fatalis' Crust黒龍の胸殻158%
Heavy Fatalis Crust黒龍の重胸殻142%

Legendary Black Dragon (4)伝説の黒龍 4

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Damage Fatalis as much as you can to drive him away目的: できる限りミラボレアスにダメージを与え撃退しろ

Fee:契約金: 2,800z
Reward:報酬金: 9,600z

Hunters must be HR29 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Fatalis' Wing黒龍の翼15%
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜120%
Fatalis Carapace黒龍の堅殻110%
Fatalis' Shell黒龍の甲殻117%
Fatalis' Scale+黒龍の上鱗18%
Fatalis' Scale黒龍の鱗115%
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #1 D*
Fatalis' Eye黒龍の眼182%
Fatalis Evil Eye黒龍の邪眼118%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #2 D*
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角178%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角122%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #3 D*
Fatalis' Horn黒龍の角163%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #4 D*
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜163%
Fatalis Strong Wing黒龍の剛翼137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Round #5 D*
Fatalis' Crust黒龍の胸殻158%
Heavy Fatalis Crust黒龍の重胸殻142%

Eventsイベント D* M*

Quest Level Lv1★

Forest Gathering森と丘・素材採集ツアー

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Map目的: 地図

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 12z

Requestor: Client: Hunter's Guild

Collect as much as you can, if you collect field material, you can clear the quest by delivering Map in the box.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨150%

Jungle Gatheringジャングル・素材採集ツアー

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Map目的: 地図

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 12z

Requestor: Client: Hunter's Guild

Collect as much as you can, if you collect field material, you can clear the quest by delivering Map in the box.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨150%

Desert Gathering砂漠・素材採集ツアー

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Map目的: 地図

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 12z

Requestor: Client: Hunter's Guild

Collect as much as you can, if you collect field material, you can clear the quest by delivering Map in the box.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨150%

Swamp Gathering沼地・素材採集ツアー

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Map目的: 地図

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 12z

Requestor: Client: Hunter's Guild

Collect as much as you can, if you collect field material, you can clear the quest by delivering Map in the box.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨150%

Volcano Gathering火山・素材採集ツアー

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Map目的: 地図

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 12z

Requestor: Client: Hunter's Guild

Collect as much as you can, if you collect field material, you can clear the quest by delivering Map in the box.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Mystery Boneなぞの骨150%


Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: How many steaks can you make before the timer runs out?目的:

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 100z

Requestor: Client: Politan

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv2★

The BBQ Festival!焼き肉祭り

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: How many steaks can you make before the timer runs out?目的: タイマーが切れるまでに何枚ステーキを作れるでしょうか?

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 0z
Reward:報酬金: 100z

Requestor: Guild Boss

It's barbecue party time! Here's the deal: BBQ as many Well-Done Steaks as you can within the time limit! I'll pay ya for each! Note: rewards are determined based on how many Steaks you deliver individually, not the total delivered by all hunters.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Herbal Medicine漢方薬125%
Herbal Medicine漢方薬125%
Armor Seed忍耐の種125%
Power Seed怪力の種120%
Power Seed怪力の種14%
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver 10 Well-Done Steaks or more D*
Power Seed怪力の種195%
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver 20 Well-Done Steaks or more D*
Power Seed怪力の種190%
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver 30 Well-Done Steaks or more D*
Power Seed怪力の種175%
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券120%
Guild Ticketギルドチケット15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver 40 Well-Done Steaks or more D*
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券185%
Guild Ticketギルドチケット110%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver 50 Well-Done Steaks or more D*
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券150%
Guild Ticketギルドチケット140%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石150%

Velociprey Hunting!ランポスハンティング!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay 30 Velociprey目的: ランポス30頭の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 400z
Reward:報酬金: 2,500z

Requestor: Guild Boss

The battle royale is about to begin! Can you hunt down 30 Velociprey and make it back alive? Slip up once and it's QUEST OVER!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Felyne Hunting!アイルーメラルー闘技場!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Repel 50 Felyne目的: アイルー50匹の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 20min
Fee:契約金: 100z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Requestor: Guild Boss

The battle royale is about to begin! Can you hunt down 50 Felyne and make it back alive? Slip up once and it's QUEST OVER! Notes: After completing player will be awarded a Pawprint Stamp.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pawprint Stamp肉球のハンコ145%
Guild Ticketギルドチケット15%

Capture a Yian Kut-Ku!ファミ通クック捕獲作戦!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Capture the Yian Kut-Ku目的: イャンクックの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 5min
Fee:契約金: 500z
Reward:報酬金: 2,000z

Requestor: Guild Boss

Prove your skill and team- work by capturing a Kut-Ku. The time limit is just 5 minutes, and you only have one chance. Don't blow it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Expeditious Assault!迅速な突撃!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Gypceros目的: ゲリョスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 5min
Fee:契約金: 200z
Reward:報酬金: 2,800z

Requestor: Guild Boss

Prove your strength, skills and teamwork as a hunter! The time limit is just 5 minutes, and you only have one chance. Don't blow it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Gravios Hunting!グラビモスハンティング!

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Goal: Slay the Gravios目的: グラビモスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 15min
Fee:契約金: 260z
Reward:報酬金: 5,000z

Requestor: Guild Boss

The battle royale is about to begin! Can you hunt down a Gravios and make it back alive? Slip up once and it's QUEST OVER!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv3★

Capture a Khezu!電撃どっきり捕獲祭

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Capture the Khezu目的: フルフルの捕獲

Time Limit:時間制限: 10min
Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 3,600z

Requestor: Guild Boss

Prove your skill and team- work by capturing a Khezu. The time limit is just 10 minutes, and you only have one chance. Don't blow it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The GMR Heavy Metal CrusadeThe GMR Heavy Metal Crusade

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Goal: Slay the Diablos目的: ディアブロスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 600z
Reward:報酬金: 6,000z

Requestor: GMR

Level the field with the Holy Grail of Heavy Metal. Only those with hearts of steel will walk away with The GMR Chrome Heart. (NOTE: the GMR Chrome Heart does not exist in this game. Instead of the GMR Ticket, this quest rewards a Commendation.)

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

On the Trail of the Beast!幻の獣を追え!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Kirin目的: キリンの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 520z
Reward:報酬金: 5,200z

Requestor: Town Guardsman

I saw it, I swear! Like a ghost, faintly glowing... Riches await the one who slays it, but you only get one chance. Don't blow it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

The Legendary Kirin幻獣、キリン現る!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay the Kirin目的: キリンの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 8,000z

Requestor: Jungle Explorer

I saw a phantom beast that glowed with a dim light... Riches await the one who slays it, but you only have one chance. Don't blow it!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Rulers of Heaven and Earth天と地の覇者

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay Rathalos and Rathian目的: リオレイアとリオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 800z
Reward:報酬金: 6,000z

Requestor: Brave Prince

A Rathalos and Rathian have paired up and are ravaging my country! My father won't let me go, so please kill them for me!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Repel the Giant!巨大龍を食い止めろ!

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Slay Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 30min
Fee:契約金: 4,500z
Reward:報酬金: 5,200z

Requestor: Fort Guard

Lao-Shan Lung is attacking the fort! Use every weapon we've got and stop this monster. This is your one and only chance. Good luck!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗130%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻130%
Guild Ticketギルドチケット110%
Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の大爪14%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%

Stop the Giant Dragon!巨大龍を食い止めろ!

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Slay Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 4,500z
Reward:報酬金: 5,200z

Requestor: Fort Guard

Lao-Shan Lung is attacking the fort! Use every weapon we've got and stop this monster. This is your one and only chance. Good luck!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗125%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻125%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗115%
Guild Ticketギルドチケット19%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shun Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%

Quest Level Lv1★

Revenge of the BBQ!肉焼き・リベンジ!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Deliver as many Well-Done Steaks as you can in the time limit.目的: タイマーが切れるまでに何枚ステーキを作れるでしょうか?

Time Limit:時間制限: ??min
Fee:契約金: ??z
Reward:報酬金: ??z

Requestor: Guild Boss

BBQ as many Well-Done Steaks as you can!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Herbal Medicine漢方薬125%
Herbal Medicine漢方薬125%
Armor Seed忍耐の種125%
Power Seed怪力の種120%
Power Seed怪力の種14%
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券11%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Power Seed怪力の種395%
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券15%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver 15 to 24 Well-Done Steaks D*
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券215%
Power Seed怪力の種585%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver 25 to 39 Well-Done Steaks D*
Power Seed怪力の種1035%
BBQ Ticket焼き肉券465%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver 40 to 49 Well-Done Steaks D*
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Deliver at least 50 Well-Done Steaks D*
Gourmet BBQ Spit高級肉焼きセット1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Gypceros's comb D*
Machalite Oreマカライト鉱石150%

Quest Level Lv2★

The Furball Arena白毛と黒毛の闘技場

Locale: Arena場所: 闘技場
Goal: Defeat 50 Felyne目的: アイルー50匹の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: ??min
Fee:契約金: ??z
Reward:報酬金: ??z

Requestor: Arena Manager

A large number of Felynes and Melynxes have gotten loose in the arena. Pay heed to their stealing skills and get rid of 50! (Must wear no armor to enter.)


In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Famitsu: The Blue Wyvernsファミ通蒼き飛竜を屠れ!

Locale: Arena場所: 闘技場
Goal: Slay as many Azure Rathalos as possible before time runs out.目的: リオレウスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: ??min
Fee:契約金: ??z
Reward:報酬金: ??z

Requestor: Famitsu MHG Strategy Team

If you think you can handle two flying wyverns, why not try this challenge? More surprises await to those who are not scared! (Must wear no armor to enter.)


In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻118%
Azure Rathalos Scale蒼火竜の鱗132%
Azure Rathalos Webbing蒼火竜の翼膜122%
Lg Monster Bone竜骨【大】115%
Azure Rathalos Wing蒼火竜の翼15%
Azure Rathalos Tail蒼火竜の尻尾18%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hunt 1 or more Azure Rathalos D*
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻135%
Azure Rathalos Scale蒼火竜の鱗245%
Azure Rathalos Webbing蒼火竜の翼膜120%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hunt 2 or more Azure Rathalos D*
Famitsu Ticketファミ通チケット175%
Azure Rathalos Wing蒼火竜の翼225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hunt 3 or more Azure Rathalos D*
Famitsu Ticketファミ通チケット3100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's head D*
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻275%
Azure Rathalos Shell蒼火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Azure Rathalos's wings D*
Azure Rathalos Claw蒼火竜の翼爪275%
Azure Rathalos Claw蒼火竜の翼爪125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's head D*
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻275%
Pink Rathian Shell桜火竜の甲殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Pink Rathian's wings D*
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪275%
Pink Rathian Claw桜火竜の翼爪125%

Quest Level Lv3★

Dengeki Festival Returns!電撃祭りリターンズ!

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Goal: Slay as many Khezu as possible before time runs out.目的: フルフルの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: ??min
Fee:契約金: ??z
Reward:報酬金: ??z

Requestor: Dengeki PS

A new challenge from Polytan!? Only the heroes who are not afraid of endless monster waves are qualified to get the hammer! (Must equip a Hammer to enter.)

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Pale Extractアルビノエキス125%
Pale Extractアルビノエキス310%
Hot Drinkホットドリンク225%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hunt 2 or more Khezu D*
Dengeki Ticketデンゲキチケット1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hunt 4 or more Khezu D*
Dengeki Ticketデンゲキチケット2100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hunt 6 or more Khezu D*
Dengeki G Ticket電撃Gチケット178%
Dengeki Ticketデンゲキチケット322%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hunt 8 or more Khezu D*
Dengeki G Ticket電撃Gチケット290%
Dengeki G Ticket電撃Gチケット310%

On the Trail of the Beast!幻獣、キリン現る!

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Kirin目的: キリンの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 750z
Reward:報酬金: 4,200z

Requestor: Town Guardsman

I saw it, I swear! Like a ghost, faintly glowing... Riches await the one who slays it, but you only get one chance. Don't blow it!

Hunters must be HR1-12 to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

A Giant Dragon Invades!巨大龍を食い止めろ!

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロンから砦を守れ

Time Limit:時間制限: 35min
Fee:契約金: 2,400z
Reward:報酬金: 6,000z

Requestor: Loyal Minister

A giant dragon has attacked our fort! If it falls, so too do our lands! Use the fort's weaponry to put an end to the beast!

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗125%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻125%
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗115%
Guild Ticketギルドチケット19%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's head D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻165%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lao-Shan Lung's back D*
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻175%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's left shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Lao-Shan Lung's right shoulder D*
Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の鱗150%
Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の甲殻150%

Quest Level Lv5★

The Swamp Lightning湿地を駆ける稲妻

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Goal: Slay the Kirin目的: キリンの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 1,200z
Reward:報酬金: 5,200z

Requestor: Swamp Explorer

I saw a phantom beast that glowed with a dim light... Riches await the one who slays it, but you only have one chance. Don't blow it!

Hunters must be HR13 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Legendary Black Dragon黒龍伝説

Locale: Castle Schrade場所: シュレイド城
Goal: Slay the Fatalis目的: ミラボレアスの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: ??min
Fee:契約金: ??z
Reward:報酬金: ??z

Requestor: Castle Guard

The legendary Fatalis is attacking us! If we can't stop it, the castle will fall! Use everything we've got to slay the beast!


Hunters must be HR17 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv6★

Treasure Hunting!トレジャーハンティング!

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Goal: Slay the Rathalos and deliver the Pawprint Pass目的: リオレウスの討伐と肉球のハンコを届ける

Time Limit:時間制限: ??min
Fee:契約金: ??z
Reward:報酬金: ??z

Requestor: Treasure Hunter

I have information that treasure lies in these rocks, but a Rathalos is making searching impossible. Please! Slay the Rathalos!

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

Quest Level Lv8★

Thunder and Lighting熱風と落雷

Locale: The Battleground場所: 決戦場
Goal: Slay the Kirin目的: キリンの討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: ??min
Fee:契約金: ??z
Reward:報酬金: ??z

Requestor: Volcanic Miners

We would never lie! Something is wrong on the belt. There have been lightning storms all over. Maybe it is the work of the "Phantom Beast"!?

Hunters must be HR21 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

A Giant Dragon Invades!岩山龍

Locale: Fort場所: 砦
Goal: Repel the Ashen Lao-Shan Lung目的: ラオシャンロン亜種から砦を守れ

Time Limit:時間制限: 35min
Fee:契約金: 2,400z
Reward:報酬金: 10,000z

Requestor: Loyal Minister

A giant dragon has attacked our fort again! Use the fort's weaponry to slay the beast and save our great nation!

Hunters must be HR27 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Lao-Shan Carapace老山龍の堅殻15%
Lao-Shan Plate老山龍の逆鱗113%
Lao-Shan Carapace老山龍の堅殻110%
Azure Lao-Shan Plate老山龍の蒼逆鱗11%
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗135%
Azure Lao-Shan Claw老山龍の蒼大爪121%
Lao-Shan Plate老山龍の逆鱗15%
Guild Ticketギルドチケット19%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Ashen Lao-Shan Lung's horn D*
Azure Lao-Shan Horn老山龍の蒼角1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Ashen Lao-Shan Lung's head D*
Ancient Stone太古の塊120%
Lao-Shan Carapace老山龍の堅殻180%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Ashen Lao-Shan Lung's back D*
Ancient Stone太古の塊110%
Azure Lao-Shan Spine老山龍の蒼背甲190%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Ashen Lao-Shan Lung's left shoulder D*
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗150%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Ashen Lao-Shan Lung's right shoulder D*
Azure Lao-Shan Scale老山龍の蒼鱗150%
Azure Lao-Shan Shell老山龍の蒼甲殻150%

Advent of Calamity災厄降臨

Locale: The Battleground場所: 決戦場
Goal: Slay the Crimson Fatalis目的: ミラボレアス(紅龍)の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: 3,200z
Reward:報酬金: 12,000z

Requestor: Guild Master

The Black Dragon Fatalis is lurking near the crater of the volcano, releasing ominous roars as it builds its power. We must stop it!

Hunters must be HR27 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Thick Fatalis Scale黒龍の厚鱗123%
Fatalis Heavy Shell黒龍の重殻135%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角112%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's eye D*
Fatalis Devil Eye黒龍の魔眼128%
Fatalis Evil Eye黒龍の邪眼172%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's horns once D*
Fatalis' Spike黒龍の尖角163%
Fatalis Crimson Horn黒龍の紅角137%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's horns twice D*
Fatalis' Spike黒龍の尖角151%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角149%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's wings D*
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜128%
Fatalis Strong Wing黒龍の剛翼160%
Fatalis Crimson Wing黒龍の紅翼112%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's chest D*
Hard Fatalis Crust黒龍の堅胸殻132%
Heavy Fatalis Crust黒龍の重胸殻156%
Fatalis Crimson Breastplate黒龍の紅胸殻112%

Wrath of Calamity災厄の逆鱗

Locale: The Battleground場所: 決戦場
Goal: Slay the Crimson Fatalis目的: ミラボレアス(紅龍)の討伐

Time Limit:時間制限: 50min
Fee:契約金: ??z
Reward:報酬金: ??z

Requestor: Guild Master

A calamity of legendary proportions... The wrath of Fatalis is unimaginable! We've got to stop him before the tragedy gets any worse!

Hunters must be HR27 or higher to join.

In-depth Details詳細

Quest Rewards基本報酬

ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Clear Quest
Fatalis Crimson Scale黒龍の紅鱗132%
Fatalis Crimson Wing黒龍の紅翼112%
Fatalis Crimson Shell黒龍の紅殻125%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's eye D*
Fatalis Devil Eye黒龍の魔眼150%
Fatalis Evil Eye黒龍の邪眼150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's horns once D*
Fatalis' Spike黒龍の尖角140%
Fatalis Crimson Horn黒龍の紅角160%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's horns twice D*
Fatalis' Spike黒龍の尖角140%
Fatalis' Gore黒龍の鋭角160%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's wings D*
Fatalis' Webbing黒龍の翼膜110%
Fatalis Strong Wing黒龍の剛翼140%
Fatalis Crimson Wing黒龍の紅翼150%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Break Crimson Fatalis's chest D*
Hard Fatalis Crust黒龍の堅胸殻110%
Heavy Fatalis Crust黒龍の重胸殻140%
Fatalis Crimson Breastplate黒龍の紅胸殻150%

Training訓練所 M*

Yian Kut-Kuイャンクック

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Sword and Shield片手剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン145%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン24%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン141%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン143%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン143%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン145%
Kut-Ku Coin怪鳥のコイン24%

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Sword and Shield片手剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン152%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン24%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン143%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン147%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン145%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン140%
Cephalos Coin砂竜のコイン24%

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Level:Lv: ★★

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Sword and Shield片手剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン152%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン24%
Break Gypceros's comb
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン135%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン143%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン24%
Break Gypceros's comb
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン135%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン147%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン24%
Break Gypceros's comb
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン135%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン145%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン24%
Break Gypceros's comb
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン135%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン140%
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン24%
Break Gypceros's comb
Gypceros Coin毒怪鳥のコイン135%

Locale: Forest and Hills場所: 森と丘
Level:Lv: ★★

Note:注釈: All Rathalos training quests are bugged, and will never drop rewards for part-breaks.

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Sword and Shield片手剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン158%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathalos's head
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
Break Rathalos's wings
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン158%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathalos's head
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
Break Rathalos's wings
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン160%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathalos's head
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
Break Rathalos's wings
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン155%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathalos's head
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
Break Rathalos's wings
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン155%
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathalos's head
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%
Break Rathalos's wings
Rathalos Coin火竜のコイン145%

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Level:Lv: ★★★

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Dual Swords双剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン150%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン24%
Break Basarios's stomach
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン120%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン154%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン24%
Break Basarios's stomach
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン120%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン153%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン24%
Break Basarios's stomach
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン120%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン150%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン24%
Break Basarios's stomach
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン120%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン148%
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン24%
Break Basarios's stomach
Basarios Coin岩竜のコイン120%

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Level:Lv: ★★★

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Dual Swords双剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン150%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathian's head
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
Break Rathian's wings
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン148%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathian's head
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
Break Rathian's wings
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン153%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathian's head
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
Break Rathian's wings
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン148%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathian's head
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
Break Rathian's wings
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン153%
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン24%
Break Rathian's head
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%
Break Rathian's wings
Rathian Coin雌火竜のコイン135%

Locale: Jungle場所: ジャングル
Level:Lv: ★★★★

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Sword and Shield片手剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン155%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン24%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン148%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン152%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン148%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン147%
Plesioth Coin水竜のコイン24%

Locale: Desert場所: 砂漠
Level:Lv: ★★★★

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Sword and Shield片手剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン153%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン24%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン1100%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン150%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン24%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン157%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン24%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン147%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン24%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン1100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン150%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン24%
Monoblos Coin真紅のコイン1100%

Locale: Swamp場所: 沼地
Level:Lv: ★★★★★

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Sword and Shield片手剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン155%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン24%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン148%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン150%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン143%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン24%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン150%
Khezu Coinフルフルのコイン24%

Locale: Volcano場所: 火山
Level:Lv: ★★★★★

Quest Rewards:基本報酬:

Sword and Shield片手剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
SnS Ticket片手剣チケット15%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン172%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン24%
Break Gravios's stomach
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン3100%
Great Sword大剣
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Great Sword Ticket大剣チケット15%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン162%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン24%
Break Gravios's stomach
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン3100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Hammer Ticketハンマーチケット15%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン165%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン24%
Break Gravios's stomach
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン3100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Lance Ticketランスチケット15%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン165%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン24%
Break Gravios's stomach
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン3100%
ItemアイテムQuantity% Chance報酬確率
Gunner Ticketガンナーチケット15%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン160%
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン24%
Break Gravios's stomach
Gravios Coin鎧竜のコイン3100%

Quest Progression

Kokoto Village

Complete all key quests in a given star rank (marked with an * in the above list) to unlock the Urgent quest for that rank. Complete that quest to unlock the next star rank and its quests.

Minegarde Town D*

In addition to completing key quests (marked with an * in the above list), you must also reach the highest Hunter Rank in a given star rank to unlock the Urgent quest (E.G. HR12 for 3-star.) You must post the Urgent quest yourself in order to progress. Until you complete that Urgent quest your Hunter Rank will not increase, and your maximum Hunter Rank Points will be capped at one less than the requirement for the next rank (E.G. 11,99911,599 HRP if you're currently HR8.) In G Rank, some key quests are subspecies monster hunts; these need to be unlocked by hunting a gold-crown-sized monster of the common species, or to be posted by someone who has unlocked them already.

Hunter Rank Point Penalty D*

If you complete a quest in a star rank lower than your highest unlocked rank, you will receive fewer HRP than normal. The greater the difference in star rank, the fewer HRP rewarded. Note that you are not rewarded more HRP for completing quests in a higher star rank than you have unlocked (posted by a higher rank hunter.)

Star Ranks BelowHRP
190% HRP
275% HRP
3+50% HRP

Hunter Ranks D*

When hunting in Minegarde, many quests require certain a Hunter Rank to join. You can increase your Hunter Rank by completing quests earning Hunter Rank Points. Quests will award Hunter Rank Points for completing their main and subquest Goals. Hunter Rank 13 is the first rank that will make "Advanced" quests available (colloquially "High Rank"), which feature much stronger monsters, and unique new materials. Hunter Rank 21 is the first rank that will make "G" quests available (G Rank), which feature the strongest monsters and rarest materials.

Low Rank
RankTitlePoints Required
2Rookie Hunter300
3Beast Slayer600
4Bone Duster1,200
8Bounty Hunter9,000
9Carnage Berserker12,000
11Pathwalker | Ground Walker20,000
High Rank
RankTitlePoints Required
13Weapons Master31,000
14Battle Master39,000
15Forest Guardian50,000
16Dragon Buster65,000
17Glorious Battler | Glorious Braver83,000
20Monster Hunter150,000
20(maximum HRP)9,999,999
Low Rank
RankTitlePoints Required
4Rookie Hunter1,600
7Egg Thief6,400
8Beast Slayer8,800
9Bone Duster11,600
High Rank
RankTitlePoints Required
14Bounty Hunter31,800
15Veteran Attacker37,400
16Iron Breaker43,600
18Ground Walker57,900
G Rank
RankTitlePoints Required
21Weapon Master84,600
22Battle Master95,000
23Dragon Buster106,200
24Forest Guardian118,200
25Lord of Hunters131,200
26Glorious Braver145,200
29Monster Hunter197,200
30Monster Hunter G222,200

How to unlock Training Quests D*

Clear the given Village quest to unlock the first weapon training for that monster. Subsequent weapons training quests require hunting that monster a given number of times, in Village or Town quests.

Yian Kut-Ku

Clear 3★ Slay the Yian Kut-Ku!
for Great Sword Training

Weapon# of Hunts


Clear 4★ The Land Shark
for Hammer Training

Weapon# of Hunts
Great Sword2


Clear 4★ Slay the Gypceros!
for Lance Training

Weapon# of Hunts
Great Sword3


Clear 5★ Attack of the Rathalos
for Hammer Training

Weapon# of Hunts
Great Sword18


Clear 5★ Basarios: Unseen Peril
for Bowgun Training

Weapon# of Hunts
Great Sword18


Clear 5★ Slay the Rathian!
for Bowgun Training

Weapon# of Hunts
Great Sword15


Clear 5★ Water Wyvern in the Desert
for Great Sword Training

Weapon# of Hunts


Clear 6★ Horn of the Monoblos
for Lance Training

Weapon# of Hunts
Great Sword2


Clear 6★ The Shadow in the Cave
for Bowgun Training

Weapon# of Hunts
Great Sword4


Clear 6★ Terror of the Gravios
for Bowgun Training

Weapon# of Hunts
Great Sword9

Large Monster Size, Crowns, and Subspecies Quests D*

Quests to hunt a monster subspecies must be unlocked by successfully hunting a specimen of the common species of a large enough size. If a monster is unusually large, you will be awarded an appropriate Crown mark on quest completion, which is visible in your monster reference once you buy the associated book for that monster.

(See the Bestiary page and individual monsters for more details on exact sizes per crown.)

Large Monster sizes are determined per quest; each quest has a Minimum possible Size multiplier, Maximum Size multiplier, and a final Size Modifier. Every time a Large Monster spawns, it's base, or average, size is multiplied by a random value between the minimum and maximum quest multipliers, then multiplied again by the quest size modifier.

Large Monster Size = Average Size × (Minimum Multiplier ↔ Maximum Multiplier) × Size Modifier

The White Monoblos quest, and the Village and High Rank Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos quests only require a silver crown. All other subspecies can only be hunted in G Rank, and require a gold crown to unlock their quests (this includes any G Rank Pink Rathian and Azure Rathalos quests.)

There are a few notable exceptions to these rules:

Note that silver and gold crowns are not distinguished between common and subspecies monsters; that is to say, a subspecies crown will count for the species and vice-versa.

Also note that the Monster Hunter Oldschool server features boosted monster sizes. All monster sizes and possible crowns in this wiki are based on the original data, and would suggest that event quests were required to unlock monster subspecies quests. Monsters on the Monster Hunter Oldschool server can be larger than listed here. There have also been reports of monsters larger than supposedly possible from Village quests: there may be another unknown factor involved in deciding Large Monster size.

How quest rewards work M*

You will always receive at least four, and up to ten, reward items from any quest. The first item in the rewards table is guaranteed, with additional rewards chosen at random from the full table. Your luck skill determines whether you receive any additional items.

Breaking a monster part will guarantee one of the listed rewards for each part-break. The percent chance determines which part.

Very Good Luck91%
Good Luck81%
(no luck skill)69%
Bad Luck50%

Training Quests handle reward results differently: the first reward in the list is guaranteed, but the total rewards only range from one to four. The chance to receive a second reward is 75%, for a third 50%, and for a fourth 25%.

Fatalis D*

Fatalis quests (except for the Event quest "Legendary Black Dragon") operate differently from every other quest in the game. Much like Lao's quests, the only requirement to clear the quest is to lower Fatalis' health by 6,400. However, Fatalis does not begin every quest in the same condition.


When you embark on a quest to defeat Fatalis, the dragon will begin with a set amount of HP and certain body parts broken depending on how much you damaged it the previous time you defeated it. If you are embarking for the first time, or you slayed Fatalis on your last quest, it will begin with full health and no part breaks.

There are five possible starting states for Fatalis, each of which we call a "Round." The Round determines how much HP and which body part damage Fatalis will begin the quest with. Every time you defeat Fatalis, the round counter will increase: the next time you post any Fatalis quest, it will begin that Round with the starting hitpoints and accumulated body part damage listed in the table below.

RoundHPBody Part Damage
#225,600Left eye missing
#319,200One horn broken
#412,800Wings torn and more horns broken
#56,400Chest scarred

You can tell which Round you are currently in by paying attention to Fatalis' broken and damaged body parts during the intro cutscene. Also, Each player has its own Fatalis, in a sense: your Fatalis Round is unique to you, and will only change if you post the quest. It is possible to skip Rounds by dealing enough damage to Fatalis: if you can deal 12,800 damage in a single quest, you will skip the next Round; deal 19,200 to skip two rounds, etc. It is even possible, if difficult, to slay Fatalis in Round #1.


Once Fatalis' health is reduced to 20,800 or less, it will be constantly enraged. Like with other monsters, Fatalis gains an attack buff, defense buff, and speed buff. Unlike other monters, Fatalis will remain enraged until it is slain.

The Four Quests

Each of the four quests vary only in which of Castle Schrade's emplacements are available: ballista, cannons, the gate, and the dragonator. The Rounds are independent of these quests: you can start any of these four, and you will be in the same Round regardless. Quest #1 begins with the gate closed, and the second courtyard blocked off. Fatalis will not leave the starting courtyard in this quest. The other three quests begin with the gate open, and if Fatalis walks or slithers through the gate, it will automatically drop on it, dealing 255 true damage (before rank and rage mode modifiers.) The gate will raise to allow passage between both courtyards, but it will not drop again. One consideration for quests #2 through #4 is that Fatalis will often fly from one courtyard to the other, even if it hasn't been pinned by the gate yet.

Much thanks to mmPotato for creating their wiki, whose information has been invaluable. Thanks to the many data extracted from the games themselves by 2Tie and Yuzucchi. Thanks to Amaillo for translation info. Thanks to Sammy for some very informative Bowgun meta. Thanks to Lutyrannus for video footage of monsters not listed in the official guide book. And many thanks to the very helpful members of the Monster Hunter Oldschool Discord!


All data on the site features a source tag to indicates the data's source. The source tag on a table applies for all it's contents, except where indicated by tags on table headings or cells. The tag on a heading applies for all content that follows it until the next heading of the same or higher level, except for sentences or sections marked with their own tags.