Much thanks to mmPotato for creating their wiki, whose information has been invaluable. Thanks to the many data extracted from the games themselves by 2Tie and Yuzucchi. Thanks to Amaillo for translation info. Thanks to Sammy for some very informative Bowgun meta. Thanks to Lutyrannus for video footage of monsters not listed in the official guide book. And many thanks to the very helpful members of the Monster Hunter Oldschool Discord!
All data on the site features a source tag to indicates the data's source. The source tag on a table applies for all it's contents, except where indicated by tags on table headings or cells. The tag on a heading applies for all content that follows it until the next heading of the same or higher level, except for sentences or sections marked with their own tags.
- D* datamined from the game, usually by Vic, 2Tie, or Yuzucchi, or tested in-game in some way.
- M* from mmPotato's wiki. Much of this information originally comes from the Official Guide Book.
- G* from the Official Guide Book. Much of this information is inaccurate, demanding datamining and in-game testing.