- +10 Alchemy 錬金術
Allows special item combinations without the Alchemy Book. See the "Item Combinations" area of the Items page for a full listing of Alchemy combos.
- +10 Pro Ammo Combiner 弾調合
Ammo Maker弾調合
You will always make the maximum possible amount of ammunition when combining.
- +10 Anti-Theft 盗み無効
Prevents anyone from stealing your items. The following monster attacks can steal your items:
Monster | Attacks |
Melynxメラルー | Pickpocket窃盗 |
Gypcerosゲリョス | Pecking Attack連続ついばみ |
Purple Gypcerosゲリョス【亜種】 | Pecking Attack連続ついばみ |
Chameleosオオナズチ | Tongue Whip舌攻擊 |
- -10 Extra Stinky バイキン (2× Dung and Poison)
- +10 Squeaky Clean +1 抗菌+1 (0.5× Dung and Poison)
- +15 Squeaky Clean +2 抗菌+2 (Negate Dung and 0.5× Poison)
Affects your susceptibility to Stench status and Poison. The following monster attacks inflict Stench:
Monster | Attacks |
Congaコンガ | Fart放屁 |
Congalalaババコンガ | Fart放屁, Stench Toss投げるフン |
- +10 Artillery 砲術師 (1.1×)
Increases damage dealt by Ballista S and Cannon S by 1.1×.
- +10 Attack Up [S] 攻撃力UP【小】 (+3)
- +15 Attack Up [M] 攻撃力UP【中】 (+5)
- +25 Attack Up [L] 攻撃力UP【大】 (+10)
Increases your weapon's Attack. Adds the amount in parentheses to the weapon's True Damage Value before its Bloat Value.
Weapon | Bloat | [S] | [M] | [L] |
Great Sword | 4.8 | 14 | 24 | 48 |
Longsword | 4.8 | 14 | 24 | 48 |
Hammer | 5.2 | 15 | 26 | 52 |
Hunting Horn | 5.2 | 15 | 26 | 52 |
Lance | 2.3 | 6 | 11 | 23 |
Gunlance | 2.3 | 6 | 11 | 23 |
Sword and Shield | 1.4 | 4 | 7 | 14 |
Dual Swords | 1.4 | 4 | 7 | 14 |
Bowgun | 1.2 | 3 | 6 | 12 |
Bow | 1.2 | 3 | 6 | 12 |
- +10 Auto-Guard 自動防御
Blocks attacks automatically if your weapon is drawn. You must also be facing the direction of the incoming attack (within 180 degrees in front of you), and be free to block it (that is, not be in the middle of dodging or attacking.)
- +10 Bombardier ボマー (1.5×)
Bomb Boost爆弾強化
Increases the yield of barrel bombs, dealing 1.5× damage, and ensuring success when combining bombs, Sonic Bombs, and Gunpowder. See the Explosive Damage section under About Weapons in the Weapons page.
- +15 Expert Carver 剥ぎ取り名人
Allows you to carve monsters an additional time.
- +10 Add Clust S Lv1 拡散弾LV1追加
- +15 Add Clust S Lv1-2 拡散弾LV1&2追加
- +20 Add All Clust S 拡散弾全レベル追加
Clust S+拡散弾追加
Enable loading Cluster Shot of increasing levels in Bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)
- -20 Cold Surge [L] 寒さ倍加【大】 (2× effect)
- -10 Cold Surge [S] 寒さ倍加【小】 (1.5× effect)
- +10 Halve Cold 寒さ半減
- +15 Negate Cold [S] 寒さ【小】無効 (negate low effect, 1/3× high effect)
- +20 Negate Cold [L] 寒さ【大】無効 (negate all)
Cold Resistance耐寒
Changes how quickly you lose maximum Stamina when in a cold Area. Without this skill, your maximum Stamina is reduced every 2 minutes while in a cold area, and every 1 minute 30 seconds at the peak of the Snowy Mountain (areas 6, 7, and 8.) Negate Cold [L] is required for extreme cold conditions, such as the peak areas of the Snowy Mountain, Negate Cold [S] will only reduce the effect in these areas to 1/3 the normal rate. Hunger Halved appears to have a small effect on this, though not as much as cutting the effect in half.
Skill | Cold Area | Snowy Mountain 6, 7, 8 |
Cold Surge [L] | 1:00 | 0:45 |
Cold Surge [S] | 1:20 | 1:00 |
no skill | 2:00 | 1:30 |
Halve Cold | 4:00 | 3:00 |
Negate Cold [S] | n/a | 4:30 |
- -20 Combo Rate -15% 調合成功率-15%
- -10 Combo Rate -5% 調合成功率-5%
- +10 Combo Rate +5% 調合成功率+5%
- +15 Combo Rate +10% 調合成功率+10%
- +20 Combo Rate +20% 調合成功率+20%
Combo Rate調合成功率
Adds the given percent to your chances to successfully combine items. This stacks with Combo Books.
- -10 Overconfident BBQ'er 自称・焼き名人
- +10 BBQ Expert 焼き名人
- +15 BBQ Master 焼き師匠
Changes how difficult it is to cook meat on a BBQ Spit.
- +10 Add Crag S Lv1 徹甲榴弾LV1追加
- +15 Add Crag S Lv1-2 徹甲榴弾LV1&2追加
- +20 Add All Crag S 徹甲榴弾全レベル追加
Crag S+榴弾追加
Enable loading Crag Shot of increasing levels in Bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)
- -20 Defense - 40 防御-40
- -15 Defense - 30 防御-30
- -10 Defense - 20 防御-20
- +10 Defense + 20 防御+20
- +15 Defense + 30 防御+30
- +20 Defense + 40 防御+40
Changes your total Defense by the given amount.
- -20 Dragon Resistance - 10 龍耐性-10
- -15 Dragon Resistance - 5 龍耐性-5
- -10 Dragon Resistance - 3 龍耐性-3
- +10 Dragon Resistance + 3 龍耐性+3
- +15 Dragon Resistance + 5 龍耐性+5
- +20 Dragon Resistance + 10 龍耐性+10
Dragon Resistance龍耐性
Changes your Dragon Element Resistance by the given amount. The following monster attacks deal Dragon damage:
Monster | Attacks |
Rathalosリオレウス | Skydive Attack滑空攻撃 |
Azure Rathalosリオレウス【亜種】 | Skydive Attack滑空攻撃 |
Silver Rathalosリオレウス【希少種】 | Skydive Attack滑空攻撃 |
Kushala Daoraクシャルダオラ | Claw Slash斬撃, Turning Slash自転斬撃, Charge突進, Gliding Attack水平跳躍噛み, Wind Breath風ブレス*, Aerial Kick Attack空中蹴り, Aerial Tail Attack空中回転尻尾, Aerial Wind Blast空中風ブレス*, Aerial Breath Sweep空中風ブレス横* |
Kushala Daora (Rusted)クシャルダオラ(錆びた) | Claw Slash斬撃, Turning Slash自転斬撃, Charge突進, Gliding Attack水平跳躍噛み, Wind Breath風ブレス, Aerial Kick Attack空中蹴り, Aerial Tail Attack空中回転尻尾, Aerial Wind Blast空中風ブレス, Aerial Breath Sweep空中風ブレス横 |
Chameleosオオナズチ | Claw Slash斬撃, Tail Slam尻尾振り回し, Charge突進 |
Lunastraナナ・テスカトリ | Biting Attack噛み付き, Turning Slash自転斬撃, Tail Swing尻尾振り回し, Backstep後退, Charge突進, Aerial Tail Attack空中回転尻尾 |
Teostraテオ・テスカトル | Biting Attack噛み付き, Turning Slash自転斬撃, Tail Swing尻尾振り回し, Backstep後退, Charge突進, Aerial Tail Attack空中回転尻尾 |
Lao-Shan Lungラオシャンロン | Footstep足踏み, Standing Biting Attack立ち噛みつき, Standing Headbutt立ち頭突き, Fort Attack Shockwave砦攻擊衝擊波, Tail Swing尻尾振り回し, Topple Overダウン下敷き, Head Crash (when toppled over)頭が落ちる(ダウン下敷き) |
Ashen Lao-Shan Lungラオシャンロン(亜種) | Footstep足踏み, Standing Biting Attack立ち噛みつき, Standing Headbutt立ち頭突き, Fort Attack Shockwave砦攻擊衝擊波, Tail Swing尻尾振り回し, Topple Overダウン下敷き, Head Crash (when toppled over)頭が落ちる(ダウン下敷き) |
Yama Tsukamiヤマツカミ | Tentacle Slam触手攻擊, Tongue Attack舌攻擊, Spinning Attack自転攻擊, Body Slam落下, Vortex Attack吸い込み |
Fatalisミラボレアス | Biting Attack噛み付き, Slithering突進攻撃, Body Slam身體重壓, Tail尻尾, Aerial Tail Whip空中回転尻尾, Landing着陸, Footstep足踏み |
Crimson Fatalisミラボレアス(紅龍) | Claw Swipes斬撃, Gliding Attack水平跳躍噛み, Footstep足踏み |
White Fatalisミラボレアス(祖龍) | Claw Swipes斬撃, Gliding Attack水平跳躍噛み, Footstep足踏み |
- +10 Earplugs 耳栓
- +15 High Grade Earplugs 高級耳栓
Negates the staggering effect of monster roars. Some monsters roar so loudly, only High Grade Earplugs can block them out. The following monsters' roars require High Grade Earplugs, and regular Earplugs have no effect:
Khezu, Basarios, Gravios, Monoblos, Diablos, Lao-Shan Lung, and Fatalis.
- -10 Slow Eater スローライフ
- +10 Speed Eater 早食い
Changes the amount of time it takes to eat meat and fish.
- -20 All Element Resistance - 10 各耐性-10
- -15 All Element Resistance - 5 各耐性-5
- -10 All Element Resistance - 3 各耐性-3
- +10 All Element Resistance + 3 各耐性+3
- +15 All Element Resistance + 5 各耐性+5
- +20 All Element Resistance + 10 各耐性+10
Element Resistance全耐性UP
Changes all of your Element Resistances by the given amount.
- +10 Evasion +1 回避性能+1 (8 frames or 267ms)
- +20 Evasion +2 回避性能+2 (10 frames or 333ms)
Increases the amount of time that you are invulnerable during dodge moves. Normally, dodge moves have 6 frames, or 200 milliseconds, of invulnerability: Evasion +1 increases this to 8 frames (267ms), +2 to 10 frames (333ms).
Skill | Frames | Time |
No Skill | 6 | 200ms |
Evasion +1 | 8 | 267ms |
Evasion +2 | 10 | 333ms |
- +10 Mind's Eye 心眼 (+5)
- +15 Critical Eye +1 見切り+1 (+10 & no bouncing)
- +25 Critical Eye +2 見切り+2 (+15 & no bouncing)
Increases your weapon's affinity. Additionally, Critical Eye +1 and +2 prevent your weapon from bouncing.
- -20 Horrible Luck 災難
- -10 Bad Luck 不運
- +10 Good Luck 幸運
- +15 Great Luck 激運
Affects your chances to receive additional items in quest rewards. This only affects base quest rewards, not rewards from monster part-breaks. (See "How quest rewards work" on the Quests page.)
Skill | Percent |
Horrible Luck | 25% |
Bad Luck | 50% |
none | 69% |
Good Luck | 81% |
Great Luck | 91% |
- -20 Fire Resistance - 10 火耐性-10
- -15 Fire Resistance - 5 火耐性-5
- -10 Fire Resistance - 3 火耐性-3
- +10 Fire Resistance + 3 火耐性+3
- +15 Fire Resistance + 5 火耐性+5
- +20 Fire Resistance + 10 火耐性+10
Fire Resistance火耐性
Changes your Fire Element Resistance by the given amount. The following monster attacks deal Fire damage:
Monster | Attacks |
Yian Kut-Kuイャンクック | Fireball Toss火の液体 |
Blue Yian Kut-Kuイャンクック【亜種】 | Fireball Toss火の液体 |
Yian Garugaイャンガルルガ | Fireball火球ブレス |
Rathianリオレイア | Fireball火球ブレス |
Pink Rathianリオレイア【亜種】 | Fireball火球ブレス |
Gold Rathianリオレイア【希少種】 | Fireball火球ブレス |
Rathalosリオレウス | Fireball火球ブレス, Aerial Fireball空中ブレス, Back Jump Fireblastバックジャンプブレス |
Azure Rathalosリオレウス【亜種】 | Fireball火球ブレス, Aerial Fireball空中ブレス, Back Jump Fireblastバックジャンプブレス |
Silver Rathalosリオレウス【希少種】 | Fireball火球ブレス, Aerial Fireball空中ブレス, Back Jump Fireblastバックジャンプブレス |
Basariosバサルモス | Fireball Toss火の液体 |
Graviosグラビモス | Flame Discharge 1火炎瓦斯1, Flame Discharge 2火炎瓦斯2, Magma Beam熱線 |
Black Graviosグラビモス【亜種】 | Flame Discharge 1火炎瓦斯1, Flame Discharge 2火炎瓦斯2, Magma Beam熱線 |
Congalalaババコンガ | Flame Breath火ブレス |
Lunastraナナ・テスカトリ | Flame Breath火ブレス, Aerial Breath Sweep空中風ブレス横 |
Teostraテオ・テスカトル | Flame Breath火ブレス, Aerial Breath Sweep空中風ブレス横 |
Yama Tsukamiヤマツカミ | Flame Discharge爆発 |
Fatalisミラボレアス | Take-off Fireball離昇火球ブレス, Fireball火球ブレス |
Crimson Fatalisミラボレアス(紅龍) | Fireball (direct hit)火球ブレス(直撃), Fireball (aftershock)火球ブレス(擊波), Meteor Blast (direct hit)メテオ攻撃(直撃), Meteor Blast (aftershock)メテオ攻撃(擊波) |
- +10 Fishing Expert 釣り名人
Increases the timing window to reel in a fish, and makes the lure appear to be much bigger.
- -15 Gathering -2 採取-2 (59%)
- -10 Gathering -1 採取-1 (72%)
- +10 Gathering +1 採取+1 (91%)
- +15 Gathering +2 採取+2 (97%)
Affects your chances to gather additional items from gathering points, including mining spots. One item is always guaranteed from any gathering point, regardless of this skill, and each successive attempt has a chance to yield another item or to deplete the gathering point (the point will always be depleted once its maximum number of gathering attempts has been made on it.) Normally the chance for another item is 84%: this skill changes that to the value in parentheses for the given level.
- +10 Gourmand まんぷく (+25)
- +15 Scavenger 拾い食い (+25 and 1/3 chance stamina from items)
Increases the amount of maximum Stamina gained when eating cooked meat by the amount in parentheses. Additionally, the Speed Eater skill will occasionally increase maximum Stamina by 25 points when using a recovery item 1/3 of the time.
- -15 Guard -2 ガード性能-2 (+10)
- -10 Guard -1 ガード性能-1 (+5)
- +10 Guard +1 ガード性能+1 (-10)
- +20 Guard +2 ガード性能+2 (-20 and Guard Up)
Changes your shield's effectiveness while guarding. Affects how far you get knocked back, how much Stamina is consumed, and chip damage. This also affects the guarding animation, based on monster attack and weapon class. Each Guard level affects the Impact value of monster attacks. E.G. If using a Lance, with Guard +1, a Rathalos Fireball deals 40 base Impact, -10 from Guard +1, meaning the resulting 30 Impact only has a small final impact instead of the default large. Additionally, Guard +2 will allow you to block normally unblockable attacks. See the "About Weapons" section of the Weapons page for more details.
Monster | Attacks |
Khezuフルフル | Acidic Drool天上からヨダレ, Electric Breath Attack電撃ブレス |
Red Khezuフルフル【亜種】 | Acidic Drool天上からヨダレ, Electric Breath Attack電撃ブレス |
Basariosバサルモス | Poison Gas毒ガス, Sleep Gas睡眠ガス |
Graviosグラビモス | Sleep Gas睡眠ガス, Flame Discharge 1火炎瓦斯1, Flame Discharge 2火炎瓦斯2, Magma Beam熱線 |
Black Graviosグラビモス【亜種】 | Sleep Gas睡眠ガス, Flame Discharge 1火炎瓦斯1, Flame Discharge 2火炎瓦斯2, Magma Beam熱線 |
Rajangラージャン | Beam Attack 1ビーム1, Beam Attack 2ビーム2 |
Chameleosオオナズチ | Noxious Gas瘴気, Noxious Breath瘴気ブレス, Poison Breath毒ブレス |
- -10 Sharpness -1 斬れ味レベル-1
- +10 Sharpness +1 斬れ味レベル+1
Changes the maximum sharpness of your weapon by 50 hits. Increasing a weapon's sharpness will often unlock a higher level of sharpness as well. Normal and increased sharpness are included on the Weapons page per weapon.
- -20 Health - 30 体力-30
- -15 Health - 20 体力-20
- -10 Health - 10 体力-10
- +10 Health + 10 体力+10
- +15 Health + 20 体力+20
- +20 Health + 30 体力+30
Changes your maximum Hitpoints by the given amount.
- -20 Heat Surge [L] 暑さ倍加【大】 (2× effect)
- -10 Heat Surge [S] 暑さ倍加【小】 (1.5× effect)
- +10 Halve Heat 暑さ半減
- +15 Negate Heat [S] 暑さ【小】無効 (negate low effect, 1/3× high effect)
- +20 Negate Heat [L] 暑さ【大】無効 (negate all)
Heat Resistance耐暑
Changes the Hitpoint-depleting effects of hot areas. Without this skill, you lose 1 Hitpoint every few seconds while in a hot area as recoverable (red-bar) health, but your health does not recover until you leave the area or drink a Cold Drink. Negate Heat [L] is needed for the Volcano, Negate Heat [S] will only reduce the rate to 1/3 of normal. The frequency of this health loss depends on the locale:
Skill | Desert | Volcano |
Heat Surge [L] | 1 / 1.5 seconds (45 frames) | 1 / 1 second (30 frames) |
Heat Surge [S] | 1 / 2 seconds (60 frames) | 1 / 1.333 seconds (40 frames) |
no skill | 1 / 3 seconds (90 frames) | 1 / 2 seconds (60 frames) |
Halve Heat | 1 / 6 seconds (180 frames) | 1 / 4 seconds (240 frames) |
Negate Heat [S] | n/a | 1 / 6 seconds (180 frames) |
- -15 Hunger Increased [L] はらへり倍加【大】 (2×) (3 min)
- -10 Hunger Increased [S] はらへり倍加【小】 (1.5×) (4 min)
- +10 Halve Hunger はらへり半減 (12 min)
- +15 Negate Hunger はらへり無効
Changes how often you lose maximum Stamina. Without the skill, maximum Stamina is reduced by 25 every 6 minutes, with Double Hunger every 3 minutes, Hunger x 1.5 every 4 minutes, Hunger Halved every 12 minutes, and Hunger Negated totally eliminates Stamina reduction from Hunger. Maximum Stamina can still be reduced by extreme cold.
- -20 Ice Resistance - 10 氷耐性-10
- -15 Ice Resistance - 5 氷耐性-5
- -10 Ice Resistance - 3 氷耐性-3
- +10 Ice Resistance + 3 氷耐性+3
- +15 Ice Resistance + 5 氷耐性+5
- +20 Ice Resistance + 10 氷耐性+10
Ice Resistance氷耐性
Changes your Ice Element Resistance by the given amount. The following monster attacks deal Ice damage:
Monster | Attacks |
Blangongaドドブランゴ | Snowball雪玉, Ice Breath氷ブレス |
Kushala Daoraクシャルダオラ | Wind Breath風ブレス*, Aerial Wind Blast空中風ブレス*, Aerial Breath Sweep空中風ブレス横* |
- -10 Items Down アイテム使用弱化 (2/3× Duration)
- +10 Items Up アイテム使用強化 (1.5× Duration)
Lasting Power効果持続
Changes the duration of consumables with a time-limited effect by the amount in parentheses.
- +10 Load Up 装填数UP
Maximizes the number of shots that can be loaded into Bowguns, and adds a fourth charge level for Bows.
- -10 No Map 地図無効
- +10 Automap 地図常備
No Map hides most of the map even if you have the Map supply item.
Automap displays the full locale map at all times.
- +10 Big Guy! でかいの来い!
Increases the odds that monsters will be large individuals.
- +10 Add Normal S Lv1 通常弾LV1追加
- +15 Add All Normal S 通常弾全レベル追加
Normal S+通常弾追加
Enable loading Normal Shot of increasing levels in Bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)
- +10 Normal S Up 通常弾攻撃力UP (1.1×)
Normal S Up通常弾強化
All levels of Normal Shot deal increased 1.1× damage.
- -10 Double Paralysis 麻痺倍加 (10 sec)
- +10 Halve Paralysis 麻痺半減 (2.5 sec)
- +15 Negate Paralysis 麻痺無効
Changes how long you suffer Paralysis. Without the skill, it takes 5 seconds to recover from Paralysis, with Double Paralysis it takes 10 seconds, and Halve 2.5 seconds. The following monster attacks will inflict Paralysis:
Monster | Attacks |
Vespoidランゴスタ | Stinger Attack針 |
Great Thunderbug大雷光虫 | Tackle取り組む |
Genpreyゲネポス | Biting Attack噛み付き, Pounce飛びつく |
Gendromeドスゲネポス | Biting Attack 1噛み付き1 |
Cephadromeドスガレオス | Gliding Attack水平跳躍噛み |
Congalalaババコンガ | Paralysis Breath麻痺ブレス |
Kirinキリン | Lightning Strike 1稲妻1 |
- +10 Add Pellet S Lv1 散弾LV1追加
- +15 Add Pellet S Lv1-2 散弾LV1&2追加
- +20 Add All Pellet S 散弾全レベル追加
Pellet S+散弾追加
Enable loading Pellet Shot of increasing levels in Bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)
- +10 Pellet S Up 散弾攻撃力UP (1.3×)
Pellet S Up散弾強化
All levels of Pellet Shot deal increased 1.3× damage.
- +10 Add Pierce S Lv1 貫通弾LV1追加
- +15 Add Pierce S Lv1-2 貫通弾LV1&2追加
- +20 Add All Pierce S 貫通弾全レベル追加
Pierce S+貫通弾追加
Enable loading Pierce Shot of increasing levels in Bowguns that cannot normally use it. Each level includes the shot(s) from previous levels (see the Weapons page for which weapons have what ammo by default.)
- +10 Pierce S Up 貫通弾攻撃力UP (1.1×)
Pierce S Up貫通弾強化
All levels of Pierce Shot deal increased 1.1× damage.
- -10 Double Poison 毒倍加
- +10 Halve Poison 毒半減
- +15 Negate Poison 毒無効
Changes how long you suffer Poison. There are three strengths of Poison based on their duration: Weak (10s), Normal (30s), and Strong (40s). The following monster attacks will inflict Poison:
Monster | Attacks |
Iopreyイーオス | Poison Spit毒液 (Weak) |
Iodromeドスイーオス | Poison Spit毒液 |
Yian Garugaイャンガルルガ | Spin Attack回転尻尾 (Strong), Somersaultサマーソルト尻尾 (Strong) |
Gypcerosゲリョス | Poison Spit毒液 (Strong) |
Purple Gypcerosゲリョス【亜種】 | Poison Spit毒液 (Strong) |
Remobraガブラス | Poison Spit毒液 |
Rathianリオレイア | Somersaultサマーソルト尻尾 (Strong) |
Pink Rathianリオレイア【亜種】 | Somersaultサマーソルト尻尾 (Strong) |
Gold Rathianリオレイア【希少種】 | Somersaultサマーソルト尻尾 (Strong) |
Rathalosリオレウス | Aerial Talon Attack空中蹴り (Strong) |
Azure Rathalosリオレウス【亜種】 | Aerial Talon Attack空中蹴り (Strong) |
Silver Rathalosリオレウス【希少種】 | Aerial Talon Attack空中蹴り (Strong) |
Basariosバサルモス | Poison Gas毒ガス (Strong) |
Ceanataurガミザミ | Poison Spit毒液 (Weak) |
Congalalaババコンガ | Poison Breath毒ブレス |
Chameleosオオナズチ | Poison Breath毒ブレス (Strong) |
- -15 Worrywart 心配性 (Attack × 0.7 & Defense - 42)
- +10 Adrenaline +1 火事場力+1 (Defense + 90)
- +15 Adrenaline +2 火事場力+2 (Attack × 1.5 & Defense + 90)
Affects your Attack and/or Defense when your health drops low enoughbelow 40%.
- -10 Deviation Up ぶれ幅UP
- +10 Deviation Down ぶれ幅DOWN
Changes the deviation of Bowgun shots and Bow arrows. Increased deviation means shots and arrows deviate further away from the center of the targeting reticule.
- -10 Demonic Protection 悪霊の加護 (1.3×)
- +10 Divine Protection 精霊の加護 (0.7×)
This skill triggers some of the time25% of the time. When triggered, Demonic Protection increases the damage you take by 1.3×, and Divine Protection reduces it by 0.7×.
- +10 Detect 探知
- +15 Autotracker 自動マーキング
Detect shows a detailed monster icon on the map, as long as the monster is being tracked (if it is Paintballed or the hunter is using Psychoserum).
Autotracker additionally shows monster icons on the map at all times, without the need to track it.
- +10 Rapid-Fire 連射
Allows you to fire Bowgun shots without having to reload, except when changing ammo type. This also increases recoil by removing the Bowgun's Recoil Compensation from Recoil calculations (see the Recoil section under About Weapons in the Weapons page for more details.) When using a Bow, you draw arrows and charge shots 1.15× faster.
- +10 Recoil Down +1 反動軽減+1 (-2)
- +15 Recoil Down +2 反動軽減+2 (-4)
Reduces Bowgun Recoil by two, or four, points. A Bowgun's recoil level is calculated based on its base Recoil Compensation and the Shot type being fired (see the Recoil section under About Weapons in the Weapons page for more details.)
- -10 Recovery Items Down 体力回復アイテム弱化 (0.75×)
- +10 Recovery Items Up 体力回復アイテム強化 (1.25×)
Recovery Items回復
Changes the amount of Hitpoints recovered from healing items by the modifier in parentheses. (This effect is not applied to other hunters when using Lifepowder or recovery items with the Wide-Range skills.)
- -20 Recovery Speed -2 ダメージ回復速度-2 (4× slower)
- -10 Recovery Speed -1 ダメージ回復速度-1 (3× slower)
- +10 Recovery Speed +1 ダメージ回復速度+1 (3× faster)
- +20 Recovery Speed +2 ダメージ回復速度+2 (4× faster)
Recover Speed回復速度
Affects how quickly you recover temporary damage (red-bar), based on the multiplier in parentheses. Without the skill, you recover 1 hitpoint every two seconds.
Skill | Rate |
Recovery Speed -2 | 1 / 8 seconds (240 frames) |
Recovery Speed -1 | 1 / 6 seconds (180 frames) |
no skill | 1 / 2 seconds (60 frames) |
Recovery Speed +1 | 1 / 0.667 seconds (20 frames) |
Recovery Speed +2 | 1 / 0.5 seconds (15 frames) |
- -15 Reload Speed -2 装填速度-2 (140% coating time)
- -10 Reload Speed -1 装填速度-1 (110% coating time)
- +10 Reload Speed +1 装填速度+1 (85% coating time)
- +15 Reload Speed +2 装填速度+2 (75% coating time)
- +20 Reload Speed +3 装填速度+3 (65% coating time)
Reload Speed装填
Changes the time it takes to reload Bowgun shots and apply Bow coatings. Bowgun reload time is determined by the Bowgun's base Reload Speed and the Reload time of the Shot type being loaded (see the Reload section under About Weapons in the Weapons page for more details.)
- -10 Taunt 挑発
- +10 Sneak 隠密
Changes how often you draw the aggression of monsters to yourself, and away from other hunters in the area. This does not impact how a monster first detects you.
- -10 Blunt Edge なまくら
- +10 Razor Sharp 業物
Blunt increases the amount of sharpness lost while attacking and when blocking with the Great Sword. Sharp Sword reduces sharpness loss when bouncing to the normal amount, reduces sharpness loss when blocking with the Great Sword, and reduces sharpness loss for the Gunlance when firing Shells and Wyvernfire. Normal and Wide shells reduce only one hit of sharpness, Long two hits, Wyvernfire five. (see the Gunlance Shells and Wyvernfire section under About Weapons in the Weapons page for more details.)
- -10 Sleep Doubled 睡眠倍加 (24 sec)
- +10 Sleep Halved 睡眠半減 (6 sec)
- +15 Sleep Negated 睡眠無効
Changes how long you remain asleep when inflicted by a monster. Without the skill, you Sleep for 12 seconds, with Sleep Doubled it takes 24 seconds, and Halved 6 seconds. The following monster attacks will inflict Sleep:
Monster | Attacks |
Basariosバサルモス | Sleep Gas睡眠ガス |
Graviosグラビモス | Sleep Gas睡眠ガス |
Black Graviosグラビモス【亜種】 | Sleep Gas睡眠ガス |
Plesiothガノトトス | Gliding Attack水平跳躍噛み |
Green Plesiothガノトトス【亜種】 | Gliding Attack水平跳躍噛み |
Congalalaババコンガ | Sleep Breath睡眠ブレス |
- -10 Freeze 凍結
- +10 Snow Res +1 耐雪+1
- +20 Snow Res +2 耐雪+2
Snow Resistance耐雪
Changes the duration of Snowman status. The following monster attacks will inflict Snowman:
Monster | Attacks |
White Velocipreyランポス【亜種】 | Freezing Spit氷の液体 |
Blangoブランゴ | Snowball雪玉 |
Blangongaドドブランゴ | Snowball雪玉, Ice Breath氷ブレス |
Kushala Daoraクシャルダオラ | Wind Breath風ブレス*, Aerial Wind Blast空中風ブレス*, Aerial Breath Sweep空中風ブレス横* |
- +10 Speed Gathering 高速剥ぎ取り&採取 (1.3×)
Speed Gathering高速収集
You will gather items in the field and carve monsters 1.3× more quickly.
- -10 Sharpening Slowed 砥石性能半減 (0.5×)
- +10 Fast Sharpening 砥石使用高速化 (0.25×)
Speed Sharpening研ぎ師
Sharpening Slowed reduces the amount of sharpness restored when sharpening by half; Fast Sharpening reduces the amount of time it takes to sharpen your weapon to one quarter the time.
- -10 Short Sprinter 鈍足 18 units (1.2×)
- +10 Marathon Runner ランナー 8 units (0.54×)
Changes the amount of stamina used while sprinting, charging Hammer attacks, using Dual Swords Demon Mode, and charging Bow shots. The normal amount of stamina consumption for sprinting is 15 units.
- +10 Status Attack Up 状態異常攻撃強化 (1.125×)
Applies more 1.125× status with every attack that has a status effect. This applies to all Blademaster weapons that have status, Poison S, Para S, Sleep S, Poison Coating, Para Coating, and Sleep Coating.
- -10 Stun Doubled 気絶倍加
- +10 Stun Halved 気絶確率半減
- +15 Stun Negated 気絶無効
Changes how much you need to struggle to break out of Stun inflicted by monster attacks, specifically the number of inputs required to break out. Stun Halved also halves the KO value inflicted by monster attacks.
- -15 Terrain Up Large 地形ダメージ増【大】 (2×)
- -10 Terrain Up Small 地形ダメージ増【小】 (4/3×)
- +10 Terrain Down Small 地形ダメージ減【小】 (2/3×)
- +15 Terrain Down Large 地形ダメージ減【大】 (1/3×)
Changes the strength of Terrain damage by the amount in parentheses. This includes heat damage from lava and the flame aura generated by Lunastra and Teostra.
- +10 Throw 投擲技術UP
You will throw items such as Paintballs and Throwing Knives farther and faster. Also reduces the likelihood that a thrown Boomerang will break to 12.5%.
- -20 Thunder Resistance - 10 雷耐性-10
- -15 Thunder Resistance - 5 雷耐性-5
- -10 Thunder Resistance - 3 雷耐性-3
- +10 Thunder Resistance + 3 雷耐性+3
- +15 Thunder Resistance + 5 雷耐性+5
- +20 Thunder Resistance + 10 雷耐性+10
Thunder Resistance雷耐性
Changes your Thunder Element Resistance by the given amount. The following monster attacks deal Thunder damage:
Monster | Attacks |
Khezuフルフル | Electrical Discharge体内放電, Electric Breath Attack電撃ブレス |
Red Khezuフルフル【亜種】 | Electrical Discharge体内放電, Electric Breath Attack電撃ブレス |
Rajangラージャン | Lightning稲妻 |
Kirinキリン | Lightning Strike 1稲妻1, Lightning Strike 2稲妻2 |
White Fatalisミラボレアス(祖龍) | Lightning Breath稲妻ブレス, Lightning Strike 1稲妻1, Lightning Strike 2稲妻2 |
- Torso Up 胴系統倍加
Torso Up胴系統倍加
Copies all skill points from your torso armor. Each piece of armor with Torso Up adds all the skill points for the torso armor an additional time, as if that armor piece had all the same skill points (positive and negative), including skill points from decorations. E.G. one piece doubles the points, two pieces triple, etc.
- +10 Pro Transporter 運搬の達人
You will move faster while carrying an egg or other delivery item, and can drop from a greater height without breaking or dropping it.
- +15 Negate Tremors 耐震
Tremor Resistance耐震
Eliminates the effects of monster-induced Tremors. The following monster attacks create tremors (also, if Monoblos or Diablos charges into a ledge, it will create tremors on the ledge):
Monster | Attacks |
Congalalaババコンガ | Body Slam身體重壓 |
Blangongaドドブランゴ | Ground Pound身體重壓 |
Rajangラージャン | Ground Pound身體重壓, Frenzy殴り突進 |
- +10 Halve Vocal Chord Paralysis 声帯麻痺毒半減
- +15 Negate Vocal Chord Paralysis 声帯麻痺毒無効
Vocal Chords声帯
Changes the duration of the Silence status. Also changes the duration of maximum stamina loss from Chameleos's attacks. The following monster attacks inflict Silence:
Monster | Attacks |
Chameleosオオナズチ | Noxious Gas瘴気, Noxious Breath瘴気ブレス |
- -20 Water Resistance - 10 水耐性-10
- -15 Water Resistance - 5 水耐性-5
- -10 Water Resistance - 3 水耐性-3
- +10 Water Resistance + 3 水耐性+3
- +15 Water Resistance + 5 水耐性+5
- +20 Water Resistance + 10 水耐性+10
Water Resistance水耐性
Changes your Water Element Resistance by the given amount. The following monster attacks deal Water damage:
Monster | Attacks |
Cephalosガレオス | Sand Blast砂プレス |
Cephadromeドスガレオス | Sand Blast砂プレス |
Plesiothガノトトス | Water Blast水ブレス |
Green Plesiothガノトトス【亜種】 | Water Blast水ブレス |
Daimyo Hermitaurダイミョウザザミ | Water Blast水ブレス |
Shogun Ceanataurショウグンギザミ | Ceiling Water Beam天井水ブレス |
- -15 Devil's Whim 悪魔の気まぐれ (+50%)
- -10 Spectre's Whim 悪霊の気まぐれ (+25%)
- +10 Spirit's Whim 精霊の気まぐれ (-25%)
- +15 Divine Whim 神の気まぐれ (-50%)
Affects the chance that a tool will break when used, based on the value in parentheses.
- +10 Wide-Range +1 広域化+1 (0.5× effect)
- +20 Wide-Range +2 広域化+2 (1.0× effect)
Shares the effects of certain consumables Herbs, Potions, Antidotes, Powerseeds, and Armorseeds with all hunters in the area. The stage determines how much of the effect is applied.
- +10 Windproof [S] 風圧【小】無効
- +15 Windproof [L] 風圧【大】無効
- +25 Dragon-Windproof 龍風圧無効
Wind Pressure風圧
You will resist the effects of wind created by monsters beating their wings, kicking up dust, etc. Some monsters apply stronger Wind Pressure than others, and can only be resisted by the Windproof [L] skill. Some dragons generate yet greater wind pressure, requiring Dragon-Windproof. Any flying large monsters not listed below only require Windproof [S] to resist wind from their wingbeats:
Skill | Monsters | Effect |
Windproof [L] | Rathian, Rathalos, Gravios, Monoblos, Diablos, Fatalis | Wingbeats |
Windproof [L] | Lao-Shan Lung | Footfals |
Dragon-Windproof | Lunastra, Teostra, Kushala Daora | Aura: dispel by breaking Lunastra or Teostra's horns, or poisoning Kushala Daora |
Dragon-Windproof | Chameleos | Tail Slam |